var chai = require('chai'); var expect = chai.expect; var timestring = require('./index'); describe('timestring', function() { it('can parse a timestring', function() { expect(timestring('500ms')).to.equal(0.5); expect(timestring('1s')).to.equal(1); expect(timestring('1m')).to.equal(60); expect(timestring('1h')).to.equal(3600); expect(timestring('1d')).to.equal(86400); expect(timestring('1w')).to.equal(604800); expect(timestring('1mth')).to.equal(2419200); expect(timestring('1y')).to.equal(29030400); }); it('can return a value in a specified unit', function() { expect(timestring('1m', 'ms')).to.equal(60000); expect(timestring('5m', 's')).to.equal(300); expect(timestring('5m', 'm')).to.equal(5); }); it('uses the passed options instead of the defaults', function() { var opts = { hoursPerDay: 1, daysPerWeek: 2, weeksPerMonth: 3, monthsPerYear: 4 }; expect(timestring('1d', 'h', opts)).to.equal(1); expect(timestring('1w', 'd', opts)).to.equal(2); expect(timestring('1mth', 'w', opts)).to.equal(3); expect(timestring('1y', 'mth', opts)).to.equal(4); }); it('throws an error when an invalid unit is used in the timestring', function() { expect(function() { timestring('1g'); }).to.throw(Error); }); it('can parse a messy time string', function() { expect(timestring('5 D a YS 4 h 2 0 mI nS')).to.equal(447600); }); });