/* globals describe, it */ const chai = require('chai') const timestring = require('./index') const expect = chai.expect describe('timestring', () => { it('can parse a timestring', () => { expect(timestring('500ms')).to.equal(0.5) expect(timestring('1s')).to.equal(1) expect(timestring('1m')).to.equal(60) expect(timestring('1h')).to.equal(3600) expect(timestring('1d')).to.equal(86400) expect(timestring('1w')).to.equal(604800) expect(timestring('1mth')).to.equal(2629800) expect(timestring('1y')).to.equal(31557600) }) it('can parse different unit identifiers', () => { let unitMap = { ms: ['ms', 'milli', 'millisecond', 'milliseconds'], s: ['s', 'sec', 'secs', 'second', 'seconds'], m: ['m', 'min', 'mins', 'minute', 'minutes'], h: ['h', 'hr', 'hrs', 'hour', 'hours'], d: ['d', 'day', 'days'], w: ['w', 'week', 'weeks'], mth: ['mon', 'mth', 'mths', 'month', 'months'], y: ['y', 'yr', 'yrs', 'year', 'years'] } unitMap.ms.forEach(unit => { expect(timestring(`500 ${unit}`)).to.equal(0.5) }) unitMap.s.forEach(unit => { expect(timestring(`3 ${unit}`)).to.equal(3) }) unitMap.m.forEach(unit => { expect(timestring(`2 ${unit}`)).to.equal(120) }) unitMap.h.forEach(unit => { expect(timestring(`7 ${unit}`)).to.equal(25200) }) unitMap.d.forEach(unit => { expect(timestring(`4 ${unit}`)).to.equal(345600) }) unitMap.w.forEach(unit => { expect(timestring(`2 ${unit}`)).to.equal(1209600) }) unitMap.mth.forEach(unit => { expect(timestring(`9 ${unit}`)).to.equal(23668200) }) unitMap.y.forEach(unit => { expect(timestring(`1 ${unit}`)).to.equal(31557600) }) }) it('can return a value in a specified unit', () => { expect(timestring('1m', 'ms')).to.equal(60000) expect(timestring('5m', 's')).to.equal(300) expect(timestring('5m', 'm')).to.equal(5) }) it('uses the passed options instead of the defaults', () => { let opts = { hoursPerDay: 1, daysPerWeek: 2, weeksPerMonth: 3, monthsPerYear: 4, daysPerYear: 30 } expect(timestring('1d', 'h', opts)).to.equal(1) expect(timestring('1w', 'd', opts)).to.equal(2) expect(timestring('1mth', 'w', opts)).to.equal(3.75) expect(timestring('1y', 'mth', opts)).to.equal(4) }) it('throws an error when an invalid unit is used in the timestring', () => { expect(() => timestring('1g')).to.throw(Error) }) it('can parse a messy time string', () => { expect(timestring('5 D a YS 4 h 2 0 mI nS')).to.equal(447600) }) it('can parse a time string containing a decimal value', () => { expect(timestring('1.5 hours')).to.equal(5400) expect(timestring('2.75 mins')).to.equal(165) expect(timestring('1.5 w')).to.equal(907200) }) })