(function(){ "use strict"; var Timestring = function(settings) { // default settings var defaults = { hoursPerDay: 24, daysPerWeek: 7, weeksPerMonth: 4, monthsPerYear: 12 }; // merge default settings with user settings settings = settings || {}; this.settings = defaults; for (var s in settings) { this.settings[s] = settings[s]; } // time units this.units = { s: ['s', 'sec', 'secs', 'second', 'seconds'], m: ['m', 'min', 'mins', 'minute', 'minutes'], h: ['h', 'hr', 'hrs', 'hour', 'hours'], d: ['d', 'day', 'days'], w: ['w', 'week', 'weeks'], mth: ['mth', 'mths','month', 'months'], y: ['y', 'yr', 'yrs', 'year', 'years'] }; // time unit seconds mappings this.unitValues = { s: 1, m: 60, h: 3600 }; // dynamic time unit seconds mappings // these are dynamic based on the settings this.unitValues.d = this.settings.hoursPerDay * this.unitValues.h; this.unitValues.w = this.settings.daysPerWeek * this.unitValues.d; this.unitValues.mth = this.settings.weeksPerMonth * this.unitValues.w; this.unitValues.y = this.settings.monthsPerYear * this.unitValues.mth; }; Timestring.prototype.parse = function(string, returnUnit) { // reference to this var that = this; // get unit key helper function getUnitKey(unit) { for (var k in that.units) { for (var u in that.units[k]) { if (unit === that.units[k][u]) { return k; } } } // throw error if invalid unit was passed throw new Error('The unit [' + unit + '] is not supported by timestring'); } // convert a value to a specific unit function convert(value, unit) { var baseValue = that.unitValues[getUnitKey(unit)]; return value / baseValue; } // get a value in seconds based on a specific unit function getSeconds(value, unit) { var baseValue = that.unitValues[getUnitKey(unit)]; return value * baseValue; } // seconds counter var totalSeconds = 0; // split string into groups and get total seconds for each group var groups = string .toLowerCase() // convert words to lower case .replace(/[^\.\w+-]+/g, '') // remove white space .match(/[-+]?[0-9]+[a-z]+/g); // match time groups (digit followed by time unit - i.e 5d 15m = 2 time groups) if (groups !== null) { for(var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { var g = groups[i]; var value = g.match(/[0-9]+/g)[0]; var unit = g.match(/[a-z]+/g)[0]; totalSeconds += getSeconds(value, unit); } } // return total, convert if needed return (returnUnit) ? convert(totalSeconds, returnUnit) : totalSeconds; }; // add convenience method to string prototype String.prototype.parseTime = function (unit, settings) { return (new Timestring(settings)).parse(this, unit); }; // export Timestring object if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = Timestring; } else { this.Timestring = Timestring; } }).call(this);