/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */ import React, { useState, useEffect, useContext } from 'react'; import { Table, Row } from "antd"; import { formatDistanceToNow } from "date-fns"; import { UserOutlined} from "@ant-design/icons"; import { SortOrder } from "antd/lib/table/interface"; import Chart from "./components/chart"; import StatisticItem from "./components/statistic"; import { ServerStatusContext } from '../utils/server-status-context'; import { CONNECTED_CLIENTS, VIEWERS_OVER_TIME, fetchData, } from "../utils/apis"; const FETCH_INTERVAL = 60 * 1000; // 1 min export default function ViewersOverTime() { const context = useContext(ServerStatusContext); const { online, viewerCount, overallPeakViewerCount, sessionPeakViewerCount, } = context || {}; const [viewerInfo, setViewerInfo] = useState([]); const [clients, setClients] = useState([]); const getInfo = async () => { try { const result = await fetchData(VIEWERS_OVER_TIME); setViewerInfo(result); } catch (error) { console.log("==== error", error); } try { const result = await fetchData(CONNECTED_CLIENTS); setClients(result); } catch (error) { console.log("==== error", error); } }; useEffect(() => { let getStatusIntervalId = null; getInfo(); if (online) { getStatusIntervalId = setInterval(getInfo, FETCH_INTERVAL); // returned function will be called on component unmount return () => { clearInterval(getStatusIntervalId); }; } return () => []; }, [online]); // todo - check to see if broadcast active has changed. if so, start polling. if (!viewerInfo.length) { return "no info"; } const columns = [ { title: "User name", dataIndex: "username", key: "username", render: (username) => username || "-", sorter: (a, b) => a.username - b.username, sortDirections: ["descend", "ascend"] as SortOrder[], }, { title: "Messages sent", dataIndex: "messageCount", key: "messageCount", sorter: (a, b) => a.messageCount - b.messageCount, sortDirections: ["descend", "ascend"] as SortOrder[], }, { title: "Connected Time", dataIndex: "connectedAt", key: "connectedAt", render: (time) => formatDistanceToNow(new Date(time)), }, { title: "User Agent", dataIndex: "userAgent", key: "userAgent", }, { title: "Location", dataIndex: "geo", key: "geo", render: (geo) => geo && `${geo.regionName}, ${geo.countryCode}`, }, ]; return (
} /> } /> } /> row.userAgent} /> ); }