Camilla Berglund ad1f6f0341 Renamed glfwGetWindowParam to glfwGetWindowAttrib.
Parameters are something specified at creation time and are often
immutable, while many of the values returned by glfwGetWindowParam
reflected current state not controlled by any parameter or hint.
2013-05-27 15:30:32 +02:00

741 lines
23 KiB

// GLFW - An OpenGL library
// Platform: Any
// API version: 3.0
// WWW:
// Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard
// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Camilla Berglund <>
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would
// be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
// be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
// distribution.
#ifndef _internal_h_
#define _internal_h_
#include "config.h"
#if defined(_GLFW_USE_OPENGL)
// This is the default for glfw3.h
#elif defined(_GLFW_USE_GLESV1)
#elif defined(_GLFW_USE_GLESV2)
#error "No supported client library selected"
// Disable the inclusion of the platform glext.h by gl.h to allow proper
// inclusion of our own, newer glext.h below
#include "../include/GLFW/glfw3.h"
#if defined(_GLFW_USE_OPENGL)
// This path may need to be changed if you build GLFW using your own setup
// GLFW comes with its own copy of glext.h since it uses fairly new extensions
// and not all development environments come with an up-to-date version
#include "../deps/GL/glext.h"
typedef struct _GLFWhints _GLFWhints;
typedef struct _GLFWwndconfig _GLFWwndconfig;
typedef struct _GLFWfbconfig _GLFWfbconfig;
typedef struct _GLFWwindow _GLFWwindow;
typedef struct _GLFWlibrary _GLFWlibrary;
typedef struct _GLFWmonitor _GLFWmonitor;
#if defined(_GLFW_COCOA)
#include "cocoa_platform.h"
#elif defined(_GLFW_WIN32)
#include "win32_platform.h"
#elif defined(_GLFW_X11)
#include "x11_platform.h"
#error "No supported window creation API selected"
// Doxygen group definitions
/*! @defgroup platform Platform interface
* @brief The interface implemented by the platform-specific code.
* The platform API is the interface exposed by the platform-specific code for
* each platform and is called by the shared code of the public API It mirrors
* the public API except it uses objects instead of handles.
/*! @defgroup event Event interface
* @brief The interface used by the platform-specific code to report events.
* The event API is used by the platform-specific code to notify the shared
* code of events that can be translated into state changes and/or callback
* calls.
/*! @defgroup utility Utility functions
* @brief Various utility functions for internal use.
* These functions are shared code and may be used by any part of GLFW
* Each platform may add its own utility functions, but those may only be
* called by the platform-specific code
// Helper macros
// Checks for whether the library has been intitalized
#define _GLFW_REQUIRE_INIT() \
if (!_glfwInitialized) \
{ \
return; \
if (!_glfwInitialized) \
{ \
return x; \
// Internal types
/*! @brief Window and context configuration.
* Parameters relating to the creation of the context and window but not
* directly related to the framebuffer. This is used to pass window and
* context creation parameters from shared code to the platform API.
struct _GLFWwndconfig
int width;
int height;
const char* title;
GLboolean resizable;
GLboolean visible;
GLboolean decorated;
int clientAPI;
int glMajor;
int glMinor;
GLboolean glForward;
GLboolean glDebug;
int glProfile;
int glRobustness;
_GLFWmonitor* monitor;
_GLFWwindow* share;
/*! @brief Framebuffer configuration.
* This describes buffers and their sizes. It also contains
* a platform-specific ID used to map back to the backend API's object.
* It is used to pass framebuffer parameters from shared code to the platform
* API and also to enumerate and select available framebuffer configs.
struct _GLFWfbconfig
int redBits;
int greenBits;
int blueBits;
int alphaBits;
int depthBits;
int stencilBits;
int accumRedBits;
int accumGreenBits;
int accumBlueBits;
int accumAlphaBits;
int auxBuffers;
GLboolean stereo;
int samples;
GLboolean sRGB;
// This is defined in the context API's platform.h
/*! @brief Window and context structure.
struct _GLFWwindow
struct _GLFWwindow* next;
// Window settings and state
GLboolean iconified;
GLboolean resizable;
GLboolean decorated;
GLboolean visible;
GLboolean closed;
void* userPointer;
GLFWvidmode videoMode;
_GLFWmonitor* monitor;
// Window input state
GLboolean stickyKeys;
GLboolean stickyMouseButtons;
double cursorPosX, cursorPosY;
int cursorMode;
char mouseButton[GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LAST + 1];
char key[GLFW_KEY_LAST + 1];
// OpenGL extensions and context attributes
int clientAPI;
int glMajor, glMinor, glRevision;
GLboolean glForward, glDebug;
int glProfile;
int glRobustness;
#if defined(_GLFW_USE_OPENGL)
struct {
GLFWwindowposfun pos;
GLFWwindowsizefun size;
GLFWwindowclosefun close;
GLFWwindowrefreshfun refresh;
GLFWwindowfocusfun focus;
GLFWwindowiconifyfun iconify;
GLFWmousebuttonfun mouseButton;
GLFWcursorposfun cursorPos;
GLFWcursorenterfun cursorEnter;
GLFWscrollfun scroll;
GLFWkeyfun key;
GLFWcharfun character;
} callbacks;
// This is defined in the window API's platform.h
// This is defined in the context API's platform.h
/*! @brief Monitor structure.
struct _GLFWmonitor
char* name;
// Physical dimensions in millimeters.
int widthMM, heightMM;
GLFWvidmode* modes;
int modeCount;
GLFWvidmode currentMode;
GLFWgammaramp originalRamp;
GLFWgammaramp currentRamp;
// This is defined in the window API's platform.h
/*! @brief Library global data.
struct _GLFWlibrary
struct {
int redBits;
int greenBits;
int blueBits;
int alphaBits;
int depthBits;
int stencilBits;
int accumRedBits;
int accumGreenBits;
int accumBlueBits;
int accumAlphaBits;
int auxBuffers;
GLboolean stereo;
GLboolean resizable;
GLboolean visible;
GLboolean decorated;
int samples;
GLboolean sRGB;
int clientAPI;
int glMajor;
int glMinor;
GLboolean glForward;
GLboolean glDebug;
int glProfile;
int glRobustness;
} hints;
double cursorPosX, cursorPosY;
_GLFWwindow* windowListHead;
_GLFWwindow* focusedWindow;
_GLFWmonitor** monitors;
int monitorCount;
GLFWmonitorfun monitorCallback;
// This is defined in the window API's platform.h
// This is defined in the context API's platform.h
// Global state shared between compilation units of GLFW
/*! @brief Flag indicating whether GLFW has been successfully initialized.
extern GLboolean _glfwInitialized;
/*! @brief All global data protected by @ref _glfwInitialized.
* This should only be touched after a call to @ref glfwInit that has not been
* followed by a call to @ref glfwTerminate.
extern _GLFWlibrary _glfw;
// Platform API functions
/*! @brief Initializes the platform-specific part of the library.
* @return `GL_TRUE` if successful, or `GL_FALSE` if an error occurred.
* @ingroup platform
int _glfwPlatformInit(void);
/*! @brief Terminates the platform-specific part of the library.
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformTerminate(void);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetVersionString
* @ingroup platform
* @note The returned string must be available for the duration of the program.
* @note The returned string must not change for the duration of the program.
const char* _glfwPlatformGetVersionString(void);
/*! @copydoc glfwSetCursorPos
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSetCursorPos(_GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos);
/*! @brief Sets up the specified cursor mode for the specified window.
* @param[in] window The window whose cursor mode to change.
* @param[in] mode The desired cursor mode.
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSetCursorMode(_GLFWwindow* window, int mode);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetMonitors
* @ingroup platform
_GLFWmonitor** _glfwPlatformGetMonitors(int* count);
/*! @brief Checks whether two monitor objects represent the same monitor.
* @param[in] first The first monitor.
* @param[in] second The second monitor.
* @return @c GL_TRUE if the monitor objects represent the same monitor, or @c
* GL_FALSE otherwise.
* @ingroup platform
GLboolean _glfwPlatformIsSameMonitor(_GLFWmonitor* first, _GLFWmonitor* second);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetMonitorPos
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformGetMonitorPos(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, int* xpos, int* ypos);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetVideoModes
* @ingroup platform
GLFWvidmode* _glfwPlatformGetVideoModes(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, int* count);
/*! @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformGetVideoMode(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, GLFWvidmode* mode);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetGammaRamp
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformGetGammaRamp(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, GLFWgammaramp* ramp);
/*! @copydoc glfwSetGammaRamp
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSetGammaRamp(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, const GLFWgammaramp* ramp);
/*! @copydoc glfwSetClipboardString
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSetClipboardString(_GLFWwindow* window, const char* string);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetClipboardString
* @ingroup platform
* @note The returned string must be valid until the next call to @ref
* _glfwPlatformGetClipboardString or @ref _glfwPlatformSetClipboardString.
const char* _glfwPlatformGetClipboardString(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @copydoc glfwJoystickPresent
* @ingroup platform
int _glfwPlatformJoystickPresent(int joy);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetJoystickAxes
* @ingroup platform
float* _glfwPlatformGetJoystickAxes(int joy, int* count);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetJoystickButtons
* @ingroup platform
unsigned char* _glfwPlatformGetJoystickButtons(int joy, int* count);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetJoystickName
* @ingroup platform
const char* _glfwPlatformGetJoystickName(int joy);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetTime
* @ingroup platform
double _glfwPlatformGetTime(void);
/*! @copydoc glfwSetTime
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSetTime(double time);
/*! @ingroup platform
int _glfwPlatformCreateWindow(_GLFWwindow* window,
const _GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig,
const _GLFWfbconfig* fbconfig);
/*! @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformDestroyWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @copydoc glfwSetWindowTitle
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle(_GLFWwindow* window, const char* title);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetWindowPos
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowPos(_GLFWwindow* window, int* xpos, int* ypos);
/*! @copydoc glfwSetWindowPos
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowPos(_GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetWindowSize
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowSize(_GLFWwindow* window, int* width, int* height);
/*! @copydoc glfwSetWindowSize
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowSize(_GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height);
/*! @copydoc glfwIconifyWindow
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformIconifyWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @copydoc glfwRestoreWindow
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformRestoreWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @copydoc glfwShowWindow
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformShowWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @copydoc glfwHideWindow
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformHideWindow(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @copydoc glfwPollEvents
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformPollEvents(void);
/*! @copydoc glfwWaitEvents
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformWaitEvents(void);
/*! @copydoc glfwMakeContextCurrent
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformMakeContextCurrent(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetCurrentContext
* @ingroup platform
_GLFWwindow* _glfwPlatformGetCurrentContext(void);
/*! @copydoc glfwSwapBuffers
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSwapBuffers(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @copydoc glfwSwapInterval
* @ingroup platform
void _glfwPlatformSwapInterval(int interval);
/*! @ingroup platform
int _glfwPlatformExtensionSupported(const char* extension);
/*! @copydoc glfwGetProcAddress
* @ingroup platform
GLFWglproc _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress(const char* procname);
// Event API functions
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a window focus event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] focused `GL_TRUE` if the window received focus, or `GL_FALSE`
* if it lost focus.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputWindowFocus(_GLFWwindow* window, GLboolean focused);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a window movement event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] xpos The new x-coordinate of the client area of the window.
* @param[in] ypos The new y-coordinate of the client area of the window.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputWindowPos(_GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a window resize event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] width The new width of the client area of the window.
* @param[in] height The new height of the client area of the window.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputWindowSize(_GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a window iconification event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] iconified `GL_TRUE` if the window was iconified, or `GL_FALSE`
* if it was restored.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputWindowIconify(_GLFWwindow* window, int iconified);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a window show/hide event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] visible `GL_TRUE` if the window was shown, or `GL_FALSE` if it
* was hidden.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputWindowVisibility(_GLFWwindow* window, int visible);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a window damage event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
void _glfwInputWindowDamage(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a window close request event
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputWindowCloseRequest(_GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a physical key event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] key The key that was pressed or released.
* @param[in] action @ref GLFW_PRESS or @ref GLFW_RELEASE.
* @param[in] mods The modifiers pressed when the event was generated.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputKey(_GLFWwindow* window, int key, int action, int mods);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a Unicode character input event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] character The Unicode code point of the input character.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputChar(_GLFWwindow* window, unsigned int character);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a scroll event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] x The scroll offset along the x-axis.
* @param[in] y The scroll offset along the y-axis.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputScroll(_GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a mouse button click event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] button The button that was pressed or released.
* @param[in] action @ref GLFW_PRESS or @ref GLFW_RELEASE.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputMouseClick(_GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a cursor motion event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] x The new x-coordinate of the cursor, relative to the left edge
* of the client area of the window.
* @param[in] y The new y-coordinate of the cursor, relative to the top edge
* of the client area of the window.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputCursorMotion(_GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of a cursor enter/leave event.
* @param[in] window The window that received the event.
* @param[in] entered `GL_TRUE` if the cursor entered the client area of the
* window, or `GL_FALSE` if it left it.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputCursorEnter(_GLFWwindow* window, int entered);
/*! @ingroup event
void _glfwInputMonitorChange(void);
/*! @brief Notifies shared code of an error.
* @param[in] error The error code most suitable for the error.
* @param[in] format The `printf` style format string of the error
* description.
* @ingroup event
void _glfwInputError(int error, const char* format, ...);
// Utility functions
/*! @ingroup utility
const GLFWvidmode* _glfwChooseVideoMode(_GLFWmonitor* monitor,
const GLFWvidmode* desired);
/*! @brief Performs lexical comparison between two @ref GLFWvidmode structures.
* @ingroup utility
int _glfwCompareVideoModes(const GLFWvidmode* first, const GLFWvidmode* second);
/*! @brief Splits a color depth into red, green and blue bit depths.
* @ingroup utility
void _glfwSplitBPP(int bpp, int* red, int* green, int* blue);
/*! @brief Searches an extension string for the specified extension.
* @param[in] string The extension string to search.
* @param[in] extensions The extension to search for.
* @return `GL_TRUE` if the extension was found, or `GL_FALSE` otherwise.
* @ingroup utility
int _glfwStringInExtensionString(const char* string, const GLubyte* extensions);
/*! @brief Chooses the framebuffer config that best matches the desired one.
* @param[in] desired The desired framebuffer config.
* @param[in] alternatives The framebuffer configs supported by the system.
* @param[in] count The number of entries in the alternatives array.
* @return The framebuffer config most closely matching the desired one, or @c
* NULL if none fulfilled the hard constraints of the desired values.
* @ingroup utility
const _GLFWfbconfig* _glfwChooseFBConfig(const _GLFWfbconfig* desired,
const _GLFWfbconfig* alternatives,
unsigned int count);
/*! @brief Retrieves the attributes of the current context.
* @return `GL_TRUE` if successful, or `GL_FALSE` if the context is unusable.
* @ingroup utility
GLboolean _glfwRefreshContextAttribs(void);
/*! @brief Checks whether the desired context attributes are valid.
* @param[in] wndconfig The context attributes to check.
* @return `GL_TRUE` if the context attributes are valid, or `GL_FALSE`
* otherwise.
* @ingroup utility
* This function checks things like whether the specified client API version
* exists and whether all relevant options have supported and non-conflicting
* values.
GLboolean _glfwIsValidContextConfig(_GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig);
/*! @brief Checks whether the current context fulfils the specified hard
* constraints.
* @param[in] wndconfig The desired context attributes.
* @return `GL_TRUE` if the context fulfils the hard constraints, or `GL_FALSE`
* otherwise.
* @ingroup utility
GLboolean _glfwIsValidContext(_GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig);
/*! @ingroup utility
void _glfwAllocGammaRamp(GLFWgammaramp* ramp, unsigned int size);
/*! @ingroup utility
void _glfwFreeGammaRamp(GLFWgammaramp* ramp);
/*! @ingroup utility
_GLFWmonitor* _glfwCreateMonitor(const char* name, int widthMM, int heightMM);
/*! @ingroup utility
void _glfwDestroyMonitor(_GLFWmonitor* monitor);
/*! @ingroup utility
void _glfwDestroyMonitors(_GLFWmonitor** monitors, int count);
#endif // _internal_h_