# GLFW 3.0 ## Introduction GLFW is a free, Open Source, portable library for OpenGL and OpenGL ES application development. It provides a simple, platform-independent API for creating windows and contexts, reading input, handling events, etc. Version 3.0 brings a new API with many new features such as multiple windows and contexts, multi-monitor support, EGL and OpenGL ES support, clipboard text support, an error description callback, gamma ramp control, layout-independent keyboard input and UTF-8 for all strings. Certain features like the threading and image loading functions from GLFW 2.x have been [removed](http://wiki.glfw.org/wiki/Rationale_for_removing). ## Compiling GLFW To compile GLFW and the accompanying example programs, you will need the [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/) build system. ### CMake options There are a number of CMake build options for GLFW, although not all are available on all supported platforms. Some of these are de facto standards among CMake users and so have no `GLFW_` prefix. #### Shared options `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` determines whether GLFW is built as a static library or as a DLL / shared library / dynamic library. `LIB_SUFFIX` affects where the GLFW shared /dynamic library is installed. If it is empty, it is installed to `$PREFIX/lib`. If it is set to `64`, it is installed to `$PREFIX/lib64`. `GLFW_BUILD_EXAMPLES` determines whether the GLFW examples are built along with the library. `GLFW_BUILD_TESTS` determines whether the GLFW test programs are built along with the library. #### Mac OS X specific options `GLFW_USE_CHDIR` determines whether `glfwInit` changes the current directory of bundled applications to the `Contents/Resources` directory. `GLFW_USE_MENUBAR` determines whether the first call to `glfwCreateWindow` sets up a minimal menu bar. `GLFW_BUILD_UNIVERSAL` determines whether to build Universal Binaries. #### Windows specific options `USE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DLL` determines whether to use the DLL version of the Visual C++ runtime library. #### EGL specific options `GLFW_USE_EGL` determines whether to use EGL instead of the platform-specific context creation API. Note that EGL is not yet provided on all supported platforms. `GLFW_CLIENT_LIBRARY` determines which client API library to use. If set to `opengl` the OpenGL library is used, if set to `glesv1` for the OpenGL ES 1.x library is used, or if set to `glesv2` the OpenGL ES 2.0 library is used. The selected library and its header files must be present on the system for this to work. ## Installing GLFW A rudimentary installation target is provided for all supported platforms via CMake. ## Using GLFW There are two aspects to using GLFW: * Using the GLFW API * Compiling and linking programs using the GLFW library The first point is covered in the WIP [reference manual](http://www.glfw.org/TEMP/3.0/). ### Include the GLFW header file In the files of your program where you use OpenGL or GLFW, you should include the GLFW 3 header file, i.e.: #include This defines all the constants, types and function prototypes of the GLFW API. It also includes the chosen client API header files (by default OpenGL), and defines all the constants and types necessary for those headers to work on that platform. For example, under Windows you are normally required to include `windows.h` before including `GL/gl.h`. This would make your source file tied to Windows and pollute your code's namespace with the whole Win32 API. Instead, the GLFW header takes care of this for you, not by including `windows.h`, but rather by itself duplicating only the necessary parts of it. It does this only where needed, so if `windows.h` *is* included, the GLFW header does not try to redefine those symbols. In other words: * Do *not* include the OpenGL headers yourself, as GLFW does this for you * Do *not* include `windows.h` or other platform-specific headers unless you plan on using those APIs directly * If you *do* need to include such headers, do it *before* including the GLFW and it will detect this If you are using an OpenGL extension loading library such as [GLEW](http://glew.sourceforge.net/), the GLEW header should also be included *before* the GLFW one. The GLEW header defines macros that disable any OpenGL header that the GLFW header includes and GLEW will work as expected. #### GLFW header option macros These macros may be defined before the inclusion of the GLFW header. `GLFW_INCLUDE_GLCOREARB` makes the header include the modern `GL/glcorearb.h` header (`OpenGL/gl3.h` on Mac OS X) instead of the regular OpenGL header. `GLFW_INCLUDE_ES1` makes the header include the OpenGL ES 1.x `GLES/gl.h` header instead of the regular OpenGL header. `GLFW_INCLUDE_ES2` makes the header include the OpenGL ES 2.0 `GLES2/gl2.h` header instead of the regular OpenGL header. `GLFW_INCLUDE_GLU` makes the header include the GLU header. This only makes sense if you are using OpenGL. `GLFW_DLL` is necessary when using the GLFW DLL on Windows. ### Link with the right libraries #### Windows static library The static version of the GLFW library is named `glfw`. When using this version, it is also necessary to link with some libraries that GLFW uses. When linking a program under Windows that uses the static version of GLFW, you must link with `opengl32`. If you are using GLU, you must also link with `glu32`. #### Windows DLL The link library for the GLFW DLL is named `glfwdll`. When compiling a program that uses the DLL version of GLFW, you need to define the `GLFW_DLL` macro *before* any inclusion of the GLFW header. This can be done either with a compiler switch or by defining it in your source code. A program using the GLFW DLL does not need to link against any of its dependencies, but you still have to link against `opengl32` if your program uses OpenGL and `glu32` if it uses GLU. #### Unix library GLFW supports [pkg-config](http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/), and `glfw3.pc` file is generated when the library is built and installed along with it. You can use it without installation using the `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable. See the documentation for pkg-config for more details. A typical compile and link command-line when using the static may look like this: cc `pkg-config --cflags glfw3` -o myprog myprog.c `pkg-config --static --libs glfw3` If you are using the shared library, simply omit the `--static` flag. If you are using GLU, you should also add `-lGLU` to your link flags. #### Mac OS X static library GLFW on Mac OS X uses the Cocoa, OpenGL and IOKit frameworks. If you are using Xcode, you can simply add the GLFW library and these frameworks as dependencies. If you are building from the command-line, it is recommended that you use pkg-config GLFW supports [pkg-config](http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/), and `glfw3.pc` file is generated when the library is built and installed along with it. You can use it without installation using the `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable. See the documentation for pkg-config for more details. You can find pkg-config in most package systems such as [Fink](http://www.finkproject.org/) and [MacPorts](http://www.macports.org/), so if you have one of them installed, simply install pkg-config. Once you have pkg-config available, the command-line for compiling and linking your program is: cc `pkg-config --cflags glfw3` -o myprog myprog.c `pkg-config --static --libs glfw3` If you do not wish to use pkg-config, you need to add the required frameworks and libraries to your command-line using the `-l` and `-framework` switches, i.e.: cc -o myprog myprog.c -lglfw -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL -framework IOKit Note that you do not add the `.framework` extension to a framework when adding it from the command-line. The OpenGL framework contains both the OpenGL and GLU APIs, so there is no need to add additional libraries or frameworks when using GLU. Also note that even though your machine may have `libGL`-style OpenGL libraries, they are for use with the X Window System and will *not* work with the Mac OS X native version of GLFW. ## Changes for version 3.0 * Added `GLFWmonitor` and updated monitor-related functions to take a monitor handle * Added `glfwGetMonitors` and `glfwGetPrimaryMonitor` for enumerating available monitors * Added `glfwGetMonitorPos`, `glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize` and `glfwGetMonitorName` for retrieving monitor properties * Added `glfwSetMonitorCallback` and `GLFWmonitorfun` for notification of changes in the set of available monitors * Added `GLFWwindow` and updated window-related functions and callbacks to take a window handle * Added `glfwDefaultWindowHints` for resetting all window hints to their default values * Added `glfwMakeContextCurrent` for making the context of the specified window current * Added `glfwSetErrorCallback`, `GLFWerrorfun` and error type tokens for receiving error notifications * Added `glfwSetWindowUserPointer` and `glfwGetWindowUserPointer` for per-window user pointers * Added `glfwGetVersionString` for determining which code paths were enabled at compile time * Added `glfwGetWindowMonitor` for querying the monitor, if any, of the specified window * Added `glfwSetWindowPosCallback` and `GLFWwindowposfun` for receiving window position events * Added `glfwSetWindowFocusCallback` and `GLFWwindowfocusfun` for receiving window focus events * Added `glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback` and `GLFWwindowiconifyfun` for receiving window iconification events * Added `glfwGetClipboardString` and `glfwSetClipboardString` for interacting with the system clipboard * Added `glfwGetJoystickName` for retrieving the name of a joystick * Added `glfwGetCurrentContext` for retrieving the window whose OpenGL context is current * Added `GLFW_SRGB_CAPABLE` for requesting sRGB capable framebuffers * Added `GLFW_CLIENT_API` and its values `GLFW_OPENGL_API` and `GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API` for selecting client API * Added `GLFW_CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS` and values `GLFW_NO_ROBUSTNESS`, `GLFW_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION` and `GLFW_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET` for `GL_ARB_robustness` support * Added `GLFW_OPENGL_REVISION` to make up for removal of `glfwGetGLVersion` * Added `GLFW_INCLUDE_GLCOREARB` macro for including `GL/glcorearb.h` instead of `GL/gl.h` * Added `GLFW_INCLUDE_ES1` macro for telling the GLFW header to use `GLES/gl.h` instead of `GL/gl.h` * Added `GLFW_INCLUDE_ES2` macro for telling the GLFW header to use `GLES2/gl2.h` instead of `GL/gl.h` * Added `GLFW_VISIBLE` window hint and parameter for controlling and polling window visibility * Added `GLFW_POSITION_X` and `GLFW_POSITION_Y` window hints and parameter for controlling and polling window position * Added `windows` simple multi-window test program * Added `sharing` simple OpenGL object sharing test program * Added `modes` video mode enumeration and setting test program * Added `threads` simple multi-threaded rendering test program * Added `glfw3native.h` header and platform-specific functions for explicit access to native display, window and context handles * Added `glfwSetGamma`, `glfwSetGammaRamp` and `glfwGetGammaRamp` functions and `GLFWgammaramp` type for monitor gamma ramp control * Added window parameter to `glfwSwapBuffers` * Changed buffer bit depth parameters of `glfwOpenWindow` to window hints * Changed `glfwOpenWindow` and `glfwSetWindowTitle` to use UTF-8 encoded strings * Changed `glfwGetProcAddress` to return a (generic) function pointer * Changed `glfwGetVideoModes` to return a dynamic, unlimited number of video modes for the specified monitor * Renamed `glfw.h` to `glfw3.h` to avoid conflicts with 2.x series * Renamed `glfwOpenWindowHint` to `glfwWindowHint` * Renamed `GLFW_ACTIVE` to `GLFW_FOCUSED` * Renamed `GLFW_FSAA_SAMPLES` to `GLFW_SAMPLES` * Renamed `GLFW_WINDOW_NO_RESIZE` to `GLFW_RESIZABLE` * Renamed `GLFW_BUILD_DLL` to `_GLFW_BUILD_DLL` * Renamed `version` test to `glfwinfo` * Renamed `GLFW_NO_GLU` to `GLFW_INCLUDE_GLU` and made it disabled by default * Renamed `glfwGetJoystickPos` to `glfwGetJoystickAxes` to match `glfwGetJoystickButtons` * Renamed mouse position functions to cursor position equivalents * Replaced `glfwOpenWindow` and `glfwCloseWindow` with `glfwCreateWindow` and `glfwDestroyWindow` * Replaced `glfwGetDesktopMode` width `glfwGetVideoMode` * Replaced ad hoc build system with CMake * Replaced layout-dependent key codes with single, platform-independent set based on US layout * Replaced mouse wheel interface with two-dimensional, floating point scrolling interface * Replaced `glfwEnable` and `glfwDisable` with `glfwGetInputMode` and `glfwSetInputMode` * Replaced `joystick` test with graphical version * Replaced automatic closing of windows with `GLFW_SHOULD_CLOSE` window parameter * Removed the `GLFW_KEY_REPEAT` input option * Removed event auto-polling and the `GLFW_AUTO_POLL_EVENTS` window enable * Removed the Win32 port .def files * Removed the entire threading API * Removed the entire image loading API * Removed deprecated Carbon port * Removed registering `glfwTerminate` with `atexit` * Removed `glfwSleep` function * Removed `glfwGetNumberOfProcessors` function * Removed `glfwGetGLVersion` function * Removed `GLFW_OPENED` window parameter * Removed `GLFW_WINDOW` and `GLFW_FULLSCREEN` * Removed nonsensical key actions for Unicode character input * Removed `GLFWCALL` and `GLFWAPIENTRY` macros for stdcall calling convention * Removed `GLFW_ACCELERATED` window parameter * Removed default framebuffer attributes from `glfwGetWindowParam` * Bugfix: The default OpenGL version in the `glfwinfo` test was set to 1.1 * Bugfix: The OpenGL profile and forward-compatibility window parameters were not saved after context creation * Bugfix: The FSAA test did not check for the availability of `GL_ARB_multisample` * Bugfix: Cursor centering upon leaving captured cursor mode was reported before the mode was changed to non-captured * [Cocoa] Added support for OpenGL 3.2 core profile in 10.7 Lion and above * [Cocoa] Added support for joysticks * [Cocoa] Postponed menu creation to first window creation * [Cocoa] Replaced `NSDate` time source with `mach_absolute_time` * [Cocoa] Replaced all deprecated CoreGraphics calls with non-deprecated counterparts * [Cocoa] Bugfix: The `NSOpenGLPFAFullScreen` pixel format attribute caused creation to fail on some machines * [Cocoa] Bugfix: `glfwOpenWindow` did not properly enforce the forward-compatible and context profile hints * [Cocoa] Bugfix: The loop condition for saving video modes used the wrong index variable * [Cocoa] Bugfix: The OpenGL framework was not retrieved, making glfwGetProcAddress crash * [Cocoa] Bugfix: `glfwInit` changed the current directory for unbundled executables * [Cocoa] Bugfix: The `GLFW_WINDOW_NO_RESIZE` window parameter was always zero * [Cocoa] Bugfix: The cursor position incorrectly rounded during conversion * [Cocoa] Bugfix: Cursor positioning led to nonsensical results for fullscreen windows * [Cocoa] Bugfix: The GLFW window was flagged as restorable * [X11] Added support for the `GLX_EXT_swap_control` and `GLX_MESA_swap_control` extensions as alternatives to `GLX_SGI_swap_control` * [X11] Added the POSIX `CLOCK_MONOTONIC` time source as the preferred method * [X11] Added dependency on libm, where present * [X11] Added support for the `_NET_WM_NAME` and `_NET_WM_ICON_NAME` EWMH window properties * [X11] Made client-side RandR and Xf86VidMode extensions required * [X11] Bugfix: Some window properties required by the ICCCM were not set * [X11] Bugfix: Calling `glXCreateContextAttribsARB` with an unavailable OpenGL version caused the application to terminate with a `BadMatch` Xlib error * [X11] Bugfix: A synchronization point necessary for jitter-free locked cursor mode was incorrectly removed * [X11] Bugfix: The window size hints were not updated when calling `glfwSetWindowSize` on a non-resizable window * [Win32] Changed port to use Unicode mode only * [Win32] Removed explicit support for versions of Windows older than Windows XP * [Win32] Bugfix: Window activation and iconification did not work as expected * [Win32] Bugfix: Software rasterizer pixel formats were not discarded by the WGL_ARB_pixel_format code path * [Win32] Bugfix: The array for WGL context attributes was too small and could overflow * [Win32] Bugfix: Alt+F4 hot key was not translated into `WM_CLOSE` * [Win32] Bugfix: The `GLFW_WINDOW_NO_RESIZE` window parameter was always zero * [Win32] Bugfix: A test was missing for whether all available pixel formats had been disqualified ## Contact The official website for GLFW is [glfw.org](http://www.glfw.org/). There you can find the latest version of GLFW, as well as news, documentation and other information about the project. If you have questions related to the use of GLFW, we have a [support forum](https://sourceforge.net/p/glfw/discussion/247562/), and the IRC channel `#glfw` on [Freenode](http://freenode.net/). If you have a bug to report, a patch to submit or a feature you'd like to request, please file it in one of the [issue trackers](https://sourceforge.net/p/glfw/_list/tickets) on SF.net. Finally, if you're interested in helping out with the development of GLFW or porting it to your favorite platform, we have a [developer's mailing list](https://lists.stacken.kth.se/mailman/listinfo/glfw-dev), or you could join us on `#glfw`. ## Acknowledgements GLFW exists because people around the world donated their time and lent their skills. * Bobyshev Alexander * artblanc * Keith Bauer * John Bartholomew * blanco * Lambert Clara * Jarrod Davis * Olivier Delannoy * Paul R. Deppe * Jonathan Dummer * Ralph Eastwood * Gerald Franz * GeO4d * Marcus Geelnard * Stefan Gustavson * Sylvain Hellegouarch * heromyth * Toni Jovanoski * Cameron King * Peter Knut * Robin Leffmann * Glenn Lewis * Shane Liesegang * Дмитри Малышев * Martins Mozeiko * Tristam MacDonald * Hans Mackowiak * David Medlock * Marcel Metz * Kenneth Miller * Jeff Molofee * Julian Møller * Ozzy at Orkysquad * Peoro * Arturo J. Pérez * Riku Salminen * Sebastian Schuberth * Matt Sealey * Steve Sexton * Dmitri Shuralyov * Daniel Skorupski * Bradley Smith * Julian Squires * Johannes Stein * TTK-Bandit * Sergey Tikhomirov * Samuli Tuomola * Torsten Walluhn * Frank Wille * yuriks * Santi Zupancic * Lasse Öörni * All the unmentioned and anonymous contributors in the GLFW community, for bug reports, patches, feedback, testing and encouragement