const fs = require('fs'); class Modmail { constructor(client) { this.client = client; this.mainServer = null; this.bansServer = null; this.categories = client._options.modmailCategory; this.timeout = null; this.updatedThreads = []; this.mmcache = {}; this.spammers = {}; this.replies = {}; this.awaitingChannel = {}; } init() { this.mainServer = this.client.mainServer; if (!this.mainServer) throw new Error(`Missing main server`); this.bansServer = this.client.bansServer; if (!this.bansServer) this.client.logger.warn(`Missing bans server`); const { channels } = this.mainServer; this.newMail = channels.resolve(this.categories[0]); this.readMail = channels.resolve(this.categories[1]); this.graveyard = channels.resolve(this.categories[2]); this.replies = this.loadReplies(); // Sweep graveyard every 30 min and move stale channels to graveyard this.sweeper = setInterval(this.sweepChannels.bind(this), 5 * 60 * 1000); this.saver = setInterval(this.saveHistory.bind(this), 30 * 1000); let logStr = `Started modmail handler for ${}`; if (this.bansServer) logStr += ` with ${} for ban appeals`;; //`Fetching messages from discord for modmail`); // TODO: Fetch messages from discord in modmail channels } async getMember(user) { let result = this.mainServer.members.cache.get(user); if(!result) result = await this.mainServer.members.fetch(user).catch(() => { return null; }); if (!result && this.bansServer) { result = this.bansServer.members.cache.get(user); if(!result) result = await this.bansServer.members.fetch(user).catch(() => { return null; }); if (result) result.banned = true; } return result; } async getUser(user) { let result = this.client.users.cache.get(user); if (!result) result = await this.client.users.fetch(user).catch(() => { return null; }); return result; } async handleUser(message) { const { author, content } = message; const member = await this.getMember(; if (!member) return; // No member object found in main or bans server? const now = Math.floor( / 1000); if (!this.client.cache.lastActivity) this.client.cache.lastActivity = {}; const lastActivity = this.client.cache.lastActivity[]; //console.log(now - lastActivity, lastActivity, now) if (!lastActivity || now - lastActivity > 30 * 60) { await author.send(`Thank you for your message, we'll get back to you soon!`); } this.client.cache.lastActivity[] = now; const { cache } = this.client; if (!cache.channels) cache.channels = {}; // Anti spam if (!this.spammers[]) this.spammers[] = { start: now, count: 1, timeout: false, warned: false }; else { if (this.spammers[].timeout) { if (now - this.spammers[].start > 5 * 60) this.spammers[] = { start: now, count: 1, timeout: false, warned: false }; else return; } else if (this.spammers[].count > 5 && now - this.spammers[].start < 15) { this.spammers[].timeout = true; if (!this.spammers[].warned) { this.spammers[].warned = true; await author.send(`I've blocked you for spamming, please try again in 5 minutes`); if (cache._channels[]) await cache._channels[].send(`I've blocked ${author.tag} from DMing me as they were spamming.`); } } else { if (now - this.spammers[].start > 15) this.spammers[] = { start: now, count: 1, timeout: false, warned: false }; else this.spammers[].count++; } } const pastModmail = await this.loadHistory( .catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`Error during loading of past mail:\n${err.stack}`); return { error: true }; }); if (pastModmail.error) return author.send(`Internal error, this has been logged.`); const channel = await this.loadChannel(member, pastModmail) .catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`Error during channel handling:\n${err.stack}`); return { error: true }; }); if (channel.error) return author.send(`Internal error, this has been logged.`); if (!cache._channels) cache._channels = {}; cache._channels[] = channel; pastModmail.push({ author:, content, timestamp:, isReply: false }); if (!this.updatedThreads.includes( this.updatedThreads.push(; const embed = { footer: { text: }, author: { name: member.user.tag, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase icon_url: member.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary description: content && content.length ? content.length > 2000 ? `${content.substring(0, 2000)}...\n\n**Content cut off**` : content : `**__MISSING CONTENT__**`, color: member.highestRoleColor, fields: [], timestamp: new Date() }; if (message.attachments.size) embed.fields.push({ name: '__Attachments__', value: => att.url).join('\n').substring(0, 1000) }); await channel.send({ embed }).catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`channel.send errored:\n${err.stack}\nContent: "${content}"`); }); } /** * Process channels for incoming modmail * * @param {GuildMember} member * @param {string} id * @param {Array} history * @return {TextChannel} * @memberof Modmail */ loadChannel(member, history) { if (this.awaitingChannel[]) return this.awaitingChannel[]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor const promise = new Promise(async (resolve) => { const channelID = this.client.cache.channels[]; const guild = this.mainServer; const { user } = member; let channel = guild.channels.resolve(channelID); const { context } = this.client._options; if (this.newMail.children.size >= 45) this.overflow(); if (!channel) { // Create and populate channel channel = await guild.channels.create(`${user.username}_${user.discriminator}`, { parent: }); const embed = { author: { name: user.tag }, thumbnail: { url: user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) }, fields: [ { name: '__User Data__', value: `**User:** <@${}>\n` + `**Account created:** ${user.createdAt.toDateString()}\n`, inline: false } ], footer: { text: `• User ID: ${}` }, color: 479397 }; if (member.banned) embed.description = `**__USER IS IN BANLAND__**`; else embed.fields.push({ name: '__Member Data__', value: `**Nickname:** ${member.nickname || 'N/A'}\n` + `**Server join date:** ${member.joinedAt.toDateString()}\n` + `**Roles:** ${ => `<@&${}>`).join(' ')}`, inline: false }); await channel.send({ embed }); const len = history.length; for (let i = context < len ? context : len; i > 0; i--) { const entry = history[len - i]; if (!entry) continue; if (entry.markread) { i++; continue; } const mem = === ? member : this.mainServer.members.resolve(; const embed = { footer: { text: }, author: { name: mem.user.tag + (entry.anon ? ' (ANONYMOUS REPLY)' : ''), // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase icon_url: mem.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) }, description: entry.content, color: mem.highestRoleColor, fields: [], timestamp: new Date(entry.timestamp) }; if (entry.attachments && entry.attachments.length) embed.fields.push({ name: '__Attachments__', value: entry.attachments.join('\n').substring(0, 1000) }); await channel.send({ embed }); } this.client.cache.channels[] =; } // Ensure the right category //if (channel.parentID !== await channel.edit({ parentID: }).catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`Error during channel transition:\n${err.stack}`); }); delete this.awaitingChannel[]; resolve(channel); }); this.awaitingChannel[] = promise; return promise; } async overflow() { // Overflows new modmail category into read const channels = this.newMail.children.sort((a, b) => { if (!a.lastMessage) return -1; if (!b.lastMessage) return 1; return a.lastMessage.createdTimestamp - b.lastMessage.createdTimestamp; }).array(); if (this.readMail.children.size >= 45) await this.sweepChannels({ count: 5, force: true }); let counter = 0; for (const channel of channels) { await channel.edit({ parentID: }); counter++; if (counter === 5) break; } } async sendCannedResponse({ message, responseName, anon }) { const content = this.getCanned(responseName); if (!content) return { error: true, msg: `No canned reply by the name \`${responseName}\` exists` }; return this.sendResponse({ message, content, anon }); } async sendResponse({ message, content, anon }) { const { channel, member, author } = message; if (!this.categories.includes(channel.parentID)) return { error: true, msg: `This command only works in modmail channels.` }; const chCache = this.client.cache.channels; const result = Object.entries(chCache).find(([, val]) => { return val ===; }); if (!result) return { error: true, msg: `This doesn't seem to be a valid modmail channel. Cache might be out of sync. **[MISSING TARGET]**` }; const [userId] = result; const targetUser = await this.getUser(userId); //const targetMember = await this.getMember(userId); if (!targetUser) return { error: true, msg: `User seems to have left.\nReport this if the user is still present.` }; const history = await this.loadHistory(userId); history.push({ author:, content, timestamp:, isReply: true, anon }); const embed = { author: { name: anon ? `${} STAFF` : author.tag, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase icon_url: anon ? this.mainServer.iconURL({ dynamic: true }) : author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) }, description: content, color: member.highestRoleColor }; const sent = await targetUser.send({ embed }).catch((err) => { this.client.logger.warn(`Error during DMing user: ${err.message}`); return { error: true, msg: `Failed to send message to target.` }; }); if (sent.error) return sent; await channel.send({ embed }).catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`channel.send errored:\n${err.stack}\nContent: "${content}"`); }); if (this.readMail.children.size > 45) this.sweepChannels({ count: 5, force: true }); await channel.edit({ parentID: }).catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`Error during channel transition:\n${err.stack}`); }); await message.delete().catch(this.client.logger.warn.bind(this.client.logger)); if (!this.updatedThreads.includes( this.updatedThreads.push(; } async sendModmail({ message, content, anon, target }) { const targetMember = await this.getMember(; if (!targetMember) return { error: true, msg: `Cannot find member` }; const history = await this.loadHistory( .catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`Error during loading of past mail:\n${err.stack}`); return { error: true }; }); if (history.error) return { error: true, msg: `Internal error, this has been logged.` }; const { author, member } = message; const embed = { author: { name: anon ? `${} STAFF` : author.tag, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase icon_url: anon ? this.mainServer.iconURL({ dynamic: true }) : author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) }, description: content, color: member.highestRoleColor }; const sent = await target.send({ embed }).catch((err) => { this.client.logger.warn(`Error during DMing user: ${err.message}`); return { error: true, msg: `Failed to send message to target.` }; }); if (sent.error) return sent; await'Delivered.').catch(this.client.logger.error.bind(this.client.logger)); const channel = await this.loadChannel(targetMember, history).catch(this.client.logger.error.bind(this.client.logger)); history.push({ author:, content, timestamp:, isReply: true, anon }); if (!this.updatedThreads.includes( this.updatedThreads.push(; await channel.send({ embed }).catch(this.client.logger.error.bind(this.client.logger)); await channel.edit({ parentID: }).catch(this.client.logger.error.bind(this.client.logger)); } /** * * * @param {object} { age, count, force } age: how long the channel has to be without activity to be deleted, count: how many channels to act on, force: whether to ignore answered status * @memberof Modmail */ async sweepChannels({ age, count, force = false } = {}) {`Sweeping graveyard`); const now =; const graveyardChannels = this.graveyard.children.sort((a, b) => { if (!a.lastMessage) return -1; if (!b.lastMessage) return 1; return a.lastMessage.createdTimestamp - b.lastMessage.createdTimestamp; }).array(); let channelCount = 0; if (!age) age = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 1 hour for (const channel of graveyardChannels) { const { lastMessage } = channel; if (!lastMessage || now - lastMessage.createdTimestamp > age || count && channelCount <= count) { await channel.delete().then((ch) => { const chCache = this.client.cache.channels; const _cached = Object.entries(chCache).find(([, val]) => { return val ===; }); if (_cached) { const [userId] = _cached; delete chCache[userId]; } }).catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`Failed to delete channel from graveyard during sweep:\n${err.stack}`); }); channelCount++; } }`Swept ${channelCount} channels from graveyard, cleaning up answered...`); const answered = this.readMail.children .filter((channel) => !channel.lastMessage || channel.answered && channel.lastMessage.createdTimestamp < - 15 * 60 * 1000 || force) .sort((a, b) => { if (!a.lastMessage) return -1; if (!b.lastMessage) return 1; return a.lastMessage.createdTimestamp - b.lastMessage.createdTimestamp; }).array(); let chCount = this.graveyard.children.size; for (const ch of answered) { if (chCount < 50) { await ch.edit({ parentID: }).catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`Failed to move channel to graveyard during sweep:\n${err.stack}`); }); chCount++; } else break; }`Sweep done. Took ${ - now}ms`); } async markread(message) { const { channel, author } = message; if (!this.categories.includes(channel.parentID)) return { error: true, msg: `This command only works in modmail channels.` }; const chCache = this.client.cache.channels; const result = Object.entries(chCache).find(([, val]) => { return val ===; }); if (!result) return { error: true, msg: `This doesn't seem to be a valid modmail channel. Cache might be out of sync. **[MISSING TARGET]**` }; const [userId] = result; const history = await this.loadHistory(userId) .catch((err) => { this.client.logger.error(`Error during loading of past mail:\n${err.stack}`); return { error: true }; }); if (history.error) return { error: true, msg: `Internal error, this has been logged.` }; history.push({ author:, timestamp:, markread: true }); // To keep track of read state await channel.edit({ parentID: }); if (!this.updatedThreads.includes( this.updatedThreads.push(userId); return `Done`; } loadHistory(userId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.mmcache[userId]) return resolve(this.mmcache[userId]); const path = `./modmail_cache/${userId}.json`; if (!fs.existsSync(path)) return resolve([]); fs.readFile(path, { encoding: 'utf-8' }, (err, data) => { if (err) reject(err); const parsed = JSON.parse(data); this.mmcache[userId] = parsed; resolve(parsed); }); }); } saveHistory() { if (!this.updatedThreads.length) return; const toSave = [...this.updatedThreads]; this.updatedThreads = []; this.client.logger.debug(`Saving modmail data`); for (const id of toSave) { const path = `./modmail_cache/${id}.json`; fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(this.mmcache[id])); } } getCanned(name) { return this.replies[name.toLowerCase()]; } loadReplies() {'Loading canned replies'); if (!fs.existsSync('./canned_replies.json')) return {}; return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./canned_replies.json', { encoding: 'utf-8' })); } saveReplies() {'Saving canned replies'); fs.writeFileSync('./canned_replies.json', JSON.stringify(this.replies)); } } module.exports = Modmail;