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449 lines
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// Administration Module
//permissionType Setting
Changes how permissions will be regarded for bot commands. For all modes except for the "discord" mode, you can use the `{prefix}grant` and the `{prefix}revoke` commands to configure permissions.
__Permission Types__
**`discord`:** Only discord-based permissions work with bot commands.
**`grant`:** Only grantable permissions from the bot work with bot commands. *(requires you to set everything up yourself)*
**`both`:** Both discord-based and grantable permissions work with bot commands. *(default)*
The provided value is not a valid permission type; try: `discord`, `grant`, or `both`.
Use the command `{prefix}setting permissiontype` for more information.
Successfully set permission type to `{type}`.
switch('{type}') {
case 'discord':
"Only discord-based permissions will work with bot commands."
case 'grant':
"Only grantable permissions from the bot will work with bot commands."
case 'both':
"Both discord-based and grantable permissions work with bot commands."
You enabled the **discord** permission type, which means **nobody can use commands until Administrators grants roles/users the permission to use them**. For more information, refer to the `{prefix}grant` and `{prefix}revoke` commands.
// Moderation Module
//Protection Setting
Configure how moderation immunity works. Can be specific roles or role position based.
__Protection Types__
**`position`:** Users cannot infract others with a higher role than them. *(default)*
**`role`:** Users cannot infract others with specified protection roles.
Invalid argument, must be either `role` or `position`.
Successfully set protection type to `{type}`.
Added `{changes}` to the protected list.
Removed `{changes}` from the protected list.
Set the protected list to `{changes}`.
The following roles are protected.
//moderationPoints Setting
Configure points and point expiration for infractions. Utilized by auto-moderation.
**Note:** Associating a word with a point value will use that point value if it is detected in the infraction reason and no point value is given manually.
Invalid points: `{arg}`
The provided integer is too small: `{arg}`
The provided integer is too big: `{arg}`
Could not parse a valid timestring from arguments!
Make sure you're using the right format!
**(int unit)**
s, sec, secs, second, seconds - will parse to seconds
m, min, mins, minute, minutes - will parse to minutes
h, hr, hrs, hour, hours - will parse to hours
d, day, days - will parse to days
w, week, weeks - will parse to weeks
mon, mth, mths, month, months - will parse to months
y, yr, yrs, year, years - will parse to years
Successfully associated `{word}` to `{points}` points.
Successfully removed the following associations: {words}
Successfully cleared all point associations.
Successfully set {type} to expire in `{time}` time.
Successfully toggled modpoints {toggle}.
Cannot assign points to **{infraction}** type.
Define the channels that the bot will ignore commands in from non-bypassed users.
Successfully added the following channels to the ignore list:
Successfully removed the following channels from the ignore list:
The following channels are being ignored by the bot:
The following roles have ignore bypass enabled:
Successfully added the following roles to the ignore bypass:
Successfully removed the following roles from the ignore bypass:
//moderationLog Setting
Define the channel to which moderation logs are sent. The setting also allows you to exclude/include types of actions from being logged in the channel.
{val} does not resolve into a channel.
Successfully set the modlogs channel to {channel}.
Successfully disabled moderation logs.
The following infractions are set to be logged: {list}.
switch("{method}") {
case "add":
case "remove":
case "set":
"set the"
Successfully **{method}** infraction type{plural} {types} to be logged.
Failed to **{method}** any infractions.
//nicknameLog Setting
Configure member nickname logging for your server.
Successfully toggled member nickname logging **{changed}**.
Successfully set member nicknames to log to {emoji_text-channel}**{changed}**.
//memberLog Setting
Configure member join and leave logging for your server.
__Available Tags__
**`{mention}`**: user mention
**`{tag}`:** username#discriminator
**`{user}`:** username
**`{serversize}`:** server member count
**`{servername}`:** server name
**`{accage}`:** user age
**`{id}`:** user ID
Successfully turned member logging **{changed}**.
Successfully set member joins and leaves to log to {emoji_text-channel}**{changed}**.
Successfully **{action}** the member join message to
Successfully **{action}** the member leave message to
//voiceLog Setting
Configure logging of voice joins and leaves for your server.
Successfully turned voice join and leave logging **{changed}**.
Successfully set voice joins and leaves to log to {emoji_text-channel}**{changed}**.
//messageLog Setting
Configure message logging for your server. Message logging utilizes webhooks, ensure the bot has the **Manage Webhooks** permission in the logging channel.
The following roles are ignored by chatlogs: {roles}
The following channels are ignored by chatlogs: {channels}
Successfully {action} the following roles: {changed}
Successfully {action} the following channels: {changed}
Successfully turned attachment logging **{changed}**.
Successfully reset the chatlogs setting.
Successfully turned message logging **{changed}**.
Successfully turned message logging **{changed}**.
**Note:** The bot lacks the `MANAGE_WEBHOOKS` permission and is as such unable to configure the webhook for message logging.
Successfully set messages to log to {emoji_text-channel}**{changed}**.
//mute Setting
**Assign/create a muted role, choose mute functionality, define a default mute duration, or enable permanent mutes.** If creating a new muted role, creating permissions could take some time. Default mute durations will only be assigned if permanent mutes are off and a duration is not passed to the mute command.
__Mute Types__
**`0`:** Mutes only add/remove the muted role. *(default)*
**`1`:** Mutes remove all roles except for the muted role.
**`2`:** Mutes remove all roles, does not require a muted role.
The argument provided is not a number! The available types are: `0`, `1`, or `2`.
View `{prefix}setting mute` for more help.
The argument provided is not a valid type! The available types are: `0`, `1`, or `2`.
View `{prefix}setting mute` for more help.
Successfully set the **mute type** to `{type}`.
switch({type}) {
case 0:
"Mutes will now *only add/remove* the muted role.";
case 1:
"Mutes will now *remove all roles except for the muted role*, and then add them back once done.";
case 2:
"Mutes will now *remove all roles* and then add them back once done.";
The argument provided is not a boolean value. *(__t__rue, __f__alse)*
Successfully set **permanent mutes** to `{boolean}`.
The argument provided is not a time value. *(1hr, 3d, etc.)*
Successfully set the **default mute duration** to `{time} seconds`.
The bot *must have* the `MANAGE_ROLES` permission to create a new mute role.
Found an existing role named **{name}** `({id})`, would you like to use it and update these roles permissions?
Answering no will create a new role with updated permissions. *(__y__es, __n__o)*
This prompt will time out in __30 seconds__.
You provided an invalid input, please try again.
The bot encountered an issue while creating a role for the guild.
Cannot find a specified role with those arguments.
To create a new role, try `{prefix}set createmute Muted`.
Successully set the **mute role** to {emoji_role}**{role}**.
Successfully set the **mute role** to {emoji_role}**{role}**.
Successfully created and set the **mute role** to {emoji_role}**{role}**.
Some issues were found while creating permissions.
**Permissions have been applied to all possible channels.**
**None of the permissions have been changed.**
//Silent Setting
Configure if all moderation commands will execute silently. Silent executions will delete the exeuctor's message and will not respond unless encountering an error.
The argument provided is not a boolean value. *(__t__rue, __f__alse)*
Successfully set **silent** to `{value}`.
// Utility Module
//stickyRole Setting
Configure the role persistence when users leave and rejoin (roles get automatically reassigned upon rejoin).
Successfully toggled role persistence `{toggle}`.
Successfully made `{changes}` sticky.
Successfully made `{changes}` unsticky.
Successfully set sticky roles to `{changes}`.
The following roles persist when a user leaves and rejoins:
//guildIndex setting
Configure guild indexing and description for your guild.
Successfully set the guild description to
Successfully toggled guild indexing `{toggle}`.
//welcomer Setting
Configure a message that is sent to new members upon join.
**Usable tags:**
{mention} - mentions the user
{tag} - username#discriminator
{user} - username
{guildsize} - member count of the server
{guildname} - name of the server
{accage} - age of the account
{id} - ID of the account
Successfully toggled the welcomer `{toggle}`.
Successfully set the welcomer message to
//guildPrefix Setting
Customizes your prefix in the guild.
Successfully set the guild prefix to `{prefix}`.
The guild prefix cannot exceed {max} characters. `[{length}/{max}]`.
The guild prefix cannot include spaces.
Successfully reset the guild prefix to `{prefix}`.
//autorole setting
Configure automatic role assignment in your guild.
Successfully added the following roles to autorole:
Successfully removed the following roles from autorole:
The following roles are added to users upon join.
// Developer Module
//Premium Setting
View the server's current premium subscription tier. |