
275 lines
8.7 KiB

/* Adopted from Discord.js v13 */
// const { EventEmitter } = require('events');
// const { Collection } = require('@discordjs/collection');
// const { Util } = require('../../utilities');
// const fs = require('fs');
// const path = require('path');
// const Shard = require('./Shard.js');
import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
import { Collection } from '@discordjs/collection';
import { Util } from '../../utilities/index.js';
import fs from 'node:fs';
import path from 'node:path';
import Shard from './Shard.js';
import { IPCMessage } from '../../@types/Shared.js';
import { BroadcastEvalOptions, ShardingOptions, ShardMethod } from '../../@types/Shard.js';
class ShardingManager extends EventEmitter
#file: string;
#shardList: 'auto' | number[];
#totalShards: 'auto' | number;
#mode: 'worker' | 'process';
#respawn: boolean;
#shardArgs: string[];
#execArgv: string[];
#token: string | null;
#shards: Collection<number, Shard>;
constructor (file: string, options: ShardingOptions = {})
options = Util.mergeDefault(
totalShards: 'auto',
mode: 'process',
respawn: true,
shardArgs: [],
execArgv: [],
token: process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN
this.#file = file;
if (!file)
throw new Error('[shardmanager] File must be specified.');
if (!path.isAbsolute(file))
this.#file = path.resolve(process.cwd(), file);
const stats = fs.statSync(this.#file);
if (!stats.isFile())
throw new Error('[shardmanager] File path does not point to a valid file.');
this.#shardList = options.shardList ?? 'auto';
if (this.#shardList !== 'auto')
if (!Array.isArray(this.#shardList))
throw new TypeError('[shardmanager] ShardList must be an array.');
this.#shardList = [ Set(this.#shardList) ];
if (this.#shardList.length < 1)
throw new RangeError('[shardmanager] ShardList must have one ID.');
if (this.#shardList.some((shardId) => typeof shardId !== 'number' || isNaN(shardId) || !Number.isInteger(shardId) || shardId < 0))
throw new TypeError('[shardmanager] ShardList must be an array of positive integers.');
this.#totalShards = options.totalShards || 'auto';
if (this.#totalShards !== 'auto')
if (typeof this.#totalShards !== 'number' || isNaN(this.#totalShards))
throw new TypeError('[shardmanager] totalShards must be an integer.');
if (this.#totalShards < 1)
throw new RangeError('[shardmanager] totalShards must be at least one.');
if (!Number.isInteger(this.#totalShards))
throw new RangeError('[shardmanager] totalShards must be an integer.');
this.#mode = options.mode as 'worker' | 'process';
if (this.#mode !== 'process' && this.#mode !== 'worker')
throw new RangeError('[shardmanager] Mode must be either \'worker\' or \'process\'.');
this.#respawn = options.respawn as boolean;
this.#shardArgs = options.shardArgs as string[];
this.#execArgv = options.execArgv as string[];
this.#token = options.token?.replace(/^Bot\s*/iu, '') ?? null;
this.#shards = new Collection();
process.env.SHARDING_MANAGER = true as unknown as string;
process.env.SHARDING_MANAGER_MODE = this.#mode;
process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN = this.#token || '';
get respawn ()
return this.#respawn;
get shardArgs ()
return this.#shardArgs;
get execArgv ()
return this.#execArgv;
get totalShards ()
return this.#totalShards as number;
get token ()
return this.#token || '';
get mode ()
return this.#mode;
get file ()
return this.#file;
get shards ()
return this.#shards.clone();
createShard (id = this.#shards.size)
const shard = new Shard(this, id, {
file: this.file
this.#shards.set(id, shard);
this.emit('shardCreate', shard);
return shard;
async spawn ({ amount = this.#totalShards, delay = 5500, timeout = 30000 } = {})
if (amount === 'auto')
if (!this.#token)
throw new Error('[shardmanager] Must supply token for auto shard amount');
amount = await Util.fetchRecommendedShards(this.#token);
if (typeof amount !== 'number' || isNaN(amount))
throw new TypeError('[shardmanager] Amount of shards must be a number.');
if (amount < 1)
throw new RangeError('[shardmanager] Amount of shards must be at least one.');
if (!Number.isInteger(amount))
throw new TypeError('[shardmanager] Amount of shards must be an integer.');
if (this.#shards.size >= amount)
throw new Error('[shardmanager] Already spawned all necessary shards.');
if (this.#shardList === 'auto' || this.#totalShards === 'auto' || this.#totalShards !== amount)
this.#shardList = [ ...Array(amount).keys() ];
if (this.#totalShards === 'auto' || this.#totalShards !== amount)
this.#totalShards = amount;
if (this.#shardList.some((shardId) => shardId >= (amount as number)))
throw new RangeError('[shardmanager] Amount of shards cannot be larger than the highest shard ID.');
for (const shardId of this.#shardList)
const shard = this.createShard(shardId);
await shard.spawn(timeout);
if (delay > 0 && this.#shards.size !== this.#shardList.length)
await Util.delayFor(delay);
return this.#shards;
broadcast (message: IPCMessage)
const promises = [];
for (const shard of this.#shards.values())
return Promise.all(promises);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
broadcastEval (script: string | Function, options: BroadcastEvalOptions = {})
if (typeof script !== 'function')
return Promise.reject(new TypeError('[shardmanager] Provided eval must be a function.'));
return this._performOnShards('eval', [ `(${script})(this, ${JSON.stringify(options.context)})` ], options.shard);
fetchClientValues (prop: string, shard: number)
return this._performOnShards('fetchClientValue', [ prop ], shard);
_performOnShards (method: ShardMethod, args: [string, object?], shard?: number): Promise<unknown>
if (this.#shards.size === 0)
return Promise.reject(new Error('[shardmanager] No shards available.'));
if (typeof shard === 'number')
if (!this.#shards.has(shard))
Promise.reject(new Error('[shardmanager] Shard not found.'));
const s = this.#shards.get(shard) as Shard;
if (method === 'eval')
return s.eval(...args);
else if (method === 'fetchClientValue')
return s.eval(args[0]);
if (this.#shards.size !== this.#shardList.length)
return Promise.reject(new Error('[shardmanager] Sharding in progress.'));
const promises = [];
for (const sh of this.#shards.values())
if (method === 'eval')
else if (method === 'fetchClientValue')
return Promise.all(promises);
async respawnAll ({ shardDelay = 5000, respawnDelay = 500, timeout = 30000 } = {})
let s = 0;
for (const shard of this.#shards.values())
const promises: Promise<unknown>[] = [ shard.respawn({ delay: respawnDelay, timeout }) ];
if (++s < this.#shards.size && shardDelay > 0)
await Promise.all(promises); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop
return this.#shards;
export default ShardingManager;