2021-06-15 13:05:19 +03:00

1014 lines
30 KiB

Nothing was modified.
// Administration Module
//permissionType Setting
Changes how permissions will be regarded for bot commands. For all modes except for the "discord" mode, you can use the `{prefix}grant` and the `{prefix}revoke` commands to configure permissions.
__Permission Types__
**`discord`:** Only discord-based permissions work with bot commands.
**`grant`:** Only grantable permissions from the bot work with bot commands. *(requires you to set everything up yourself)*
**`both`:** Both discord-based and grantable permissions work with bot commands. *(default)*
The provided value is not a valid permission type; try: `discord`, `grant`, or `both`.
Use the command `{prefix}setting permissiontype` for more information.
Successfully set permission type to `{type}`.
switch('{type}') {
case 'discord':
"Only discord-based permissions will work with bot commands."
case 'grant':
"Only grantable permissions from the bot will work with bot commands."
case 'both':
"Both discord-based and grantable permissions work with bot commands."
You enabled the **grant** permission type, which means **nobody can use commands until Administrators grants roles/users the permission to use them**. For more information, refer to the `{prefix}grant` and `{prefix}revoke` commands.
// Moderation Module
//Generic filter entries
The given infraction is invalid, must be one of `{valid}`.
You will be asked a series of questions in order to configure the actions for the filter.
What type of action are you adding?
Can be one of `{valid}`.
> You can cancel this series of prompts by responding with `cancel`.
Would you like the **{action}** to have a timer?
Not assigning a timer will use defaults for the corresponding action.
Respond with a duration or **n**o.
Failed to resolve a valid timestring, skipping this step for now.
You can add a timer with the edit prompts later.
Do you want modpoints to be assigned for these actions?
Actions without assigned points will use default values from modpoints.
Respond with the amount of points or **n**o.
Do you want the modpoints to have an expiration?
Actions without assigned expiration will use default values from modpoints.
Respond with the duration or **n**o.
Failed to resolve a valid timestring, skipping this step for now.
You can edit this later.
Failed to parse points from your response.
Will use defaults for now. You can edit this later with the edit prompts.
The point value you gave was out of range and was capped at **{value}**.
Should the action be forced to bypass automatic infracton escalation?
Respond with **y**es or **n**o.
Should the user's recent messages be pruned after being actioned?
Respond with **y**es or **n**o
Successfully added a **{type}** action for {trigger} filter events.
**Duration:** {duration}
**Points:** {points}
**Force:** {force}
**Prune:** {prune}
Successfully removed all actions.
Which action are you looking to remove?
Respond with the corresponding number.
> This will time out in 60 seconds.
> You can also cancel with `cancel`.
**Duration:** {duration}
**Points:** {points}
**Force:** {force}
**Prune:** {prune}
**Trigger:** {trigger}
Successfully removed **{type}** action for `{trigger}` filter events.
There is already an action in place for `{trigger}` filter events.
You can either remove or modify it.
The following words are already tied to an action and were skipped.
The trigger cannot be left empty!
You haven't configured any filter actions.
Currently configured actions for the filter.
Which action are you looking to edit?
Respond with the corresponding number.
> This will time out in 60 seconds.
> You can also cancel with `cancel`.
Which property of the action are you looking to edit?
Must be one of `{properties}`.
Invalid property.
Successfully edited action **{type}**.
**Duration:** {duration}
**Points:** {points}
**Force:** {force}
**Prune:** {prune}
**Trigger:** {trigger}
Respond with the new duration.
**0** will remove the timer, meaning defaults will be used if permanent mutes are disabled.
Cannot edit duration for a **{action}** action.
Failed to parse a valid timestring.
Should **{prop}** be used with the action?
Respond with **y**es or **n**o.
The supplied value could not be resolved to a boolean.
Cannot configure modpoints as they are disabled.
Respond with the new point value.
Failed to parse points.
Respond with the new expiration.
**0** will disable expiration.
Failed to parse a valid timestring.
Respond with the new action type.
Must be one of `{valid}`.
The supplied action type is invalid.
Successfully updated which presets to use.
Now using `{presets}` presets.
Successfully added `{presets}` presets to the regex filter.
Successfully removed `{presets}` presets from the regex filter.
Successfully removed all presets from the regex filter.
// Wordwatcher
Configure the behaviour of the word watcher.
Wordwatcher is a moderation utility that flags messages for manual review based on keywords.
Keywords can be regex expressions.
Wordwatcher also supports having 5 reactions for quick actions.
Successfully toggled the word watcher **{toggle}**.
Successfully added **{changes}** to the bypass list.
Successfully set the bypass list to **{changes}**.
Successfully reset the bypass list.
Successfully removed **{changes}** from the bypass list.
Successfully added `{changes}` to the ignore list.
Successfully set the ignore list to `{changes}`.
Successfully reset the ignore list.
Successfully removed `{changes}` from the ignore list.
Successfully added **{changes}** to the watch list.
Successfully set the watch list to **{changes}**.
Successfully reset the watch list.
Successfully removed **{changes}** from the watch list.
Will log flagged messages to <#{channel}>.
You've hit the limit of quick actions. Either modify or remove existing ones.
You can only define up to 5 quick actions, you currently have {amount} existing actions.
Which emoji should represent this action?
Make sure it is one that the bot has access to (i.e. from this server or one you know the bot is in).
The bot will use defaults if no emoji is given.
// Wordfilter
Configure the word filtering behaviour for your server.
> Each option that is a list (explicit, fuzzy, regex, whitelist, bypass and ignore) work with the methods **add|remove|set|reset**.
> **NOTE:** Regex is meant for advanced users, if you do not understand how to use regex, ask someone who does or use the presets or other available filters.
> Silent means that the bot will not respond in chat. If actions are set in place the bot will DM if configured.
> Actions are managed through a series of prompts.
> Currently available presets are `profanity`, `obscenity` and `slurs`.
Missing arguments. Must be one of `profane`, `slurs` or `obscene|nsfw`
Successfully added `{changed}` to the explicit word filter.
Successfully removed `{changed}` from the explicit word filter.
Successfully set the explicit word filter to `{changed}`.
Successfully reset the explicit word filter.
Successfully added `{changed}` to the whitelist.
Successfully removed `{changed}` from the whitelist.
Successfully set the whitelist to `{changed}`.
Successfully reset the whitelist.
Successfully added `{changed}` to the fuzzy word filter.
Successfully removed `{changed}` from the fuzzy word filter.
Successfully set the fuzzy word filter to `{changed}`.
Successfully reset the fuzzy word filter.
Successfully added `{changed}` to the regex word filter.
Successfully removed `{changed}` from the regex word filter.
Successfully set the regex word filter to `{changed}`.
Successfully reset the regex word filter.
Successfully toggled the word filter **{toggle}**.
Successfully added {changed} to be ignored by the word filter.
Successfully removed {changed} from being ignored by the word filter.
Successfully set {changed} to be ignored by the word filter.
Successfully reset the ignored channels for the word filter.
Successfully added **{changed}** to the word filter bypass list.
Successfully removed **{changed}** from the word filter bypass list.
Successfully set the word filter bypass list to **{changed}**.
Successfully reset the word filter bypass list.
Successfully toggled word filter silent mode **{toggle}**.
Additional parameters:
> points, ex `{prefix}set wordfilter action shit mute 10 pts`
> force, useful if you want to guarantee a mute if modpoints are enabled
> prune, will prune the user's messages after being actioned
*These can be anywhere in the configuration command*
Word must be in filter to be actioned!
Which words should trigger this action? If you want this action to be a generic one (i.e. it is triggered for any filter event that doesn't have a an action tied to it) respond with **gen**eric.
Alternatively you can respond with **ex**plicit, **fuz**zy or **reg**ex if you want the action to be tied to a filter list.
For specific word triggers respond with a list of the words that should trigger it.
> Words that are not included in a filter will not trigger any actions as they are not filtered, unless a generic action is in place.
__Letting this prompt time out will make the action a **generic** one.__
Here you can use the following keywords `add`, `remove` and `set` to modify the trigger.
> Using `reset` doesn't require any further arguments.
> The `set` keyword requires a new list of trigger words.
> Words that are already present in another action will be skipped.
> `add` and `remove` and be used in the same response.
> **Ex.** `add word1 word2 word3 remove word1 word4 word6` will first add word1, word2 and word3 and then remove word1, word4 and word6.
**To change the trigger to be `generic`, `explicit`, `fuzzy` or `regex` simply respond with one of them.**
**Using `set`, `add` or `remove` on one of the generic triggers will convert the trigger to a list of words.**
__This prompt will time out in 2 minutes.__
//Link filter
Configure the link filtering behaviour for your server.
> Silent means that the bot will not respond in chat. If actions are set in place the bot will DM if configured.
> Actions are managed through a series of prompts.
Successfully added `{domains}` to the **{filter}** filter.
Successfully set the {filter} filter to **{domains}**.
Successfully removed **{domains}** from the {filter}.
Successfully reset the {filter} filter.
Invalid mode, must be either `whitelist` or `blacklist`.
Successfully set the link filtering to **{mode}** mode.
The following links exist in the **{op}** filter and were skipped
The following domains are already in the filter and were skipped.
The following entries failed to resolve to a valid domain.
Which domains should trigger this action? If you want this action to be a generic one (i.e. it is triggered for any filter event that doesn't have a an action tied to it) respond with **gen**eric.
Alternatively you can respond with **whitelist** or **blacklist** if you want the action to be tied to a filter list.
For specific domain triggers respond with a list of the domains that should trigger it.
> Domains that are not included in a filter will not trigger any actions as they are not filtered, unless a generic action is in place.
__Letting this prompt time out will make the action a **generic** one.__
The following domains were already tied to another action and were skipped.
Successfully toggled the link filter **{toggle}**.
Successfully added {changed} to be ignored by the link filter.
Successfully removed {changed} from being ignored by the link filter.
Successfully set {changed} to be ignored by the link filter.
Successfully reset the ignored channels for the link filter.
Successfully added **{changed}** to the link filter bypass list.
Successfully removed **{changed}** from the link filter bypass list.
Successfully set the link filter bypass list to **{changed}**.
Successfully reset the link filter bypass list.
Successfully toggled link filter silent mode **{toggle}**.
// Invite filter
Configure the invite filter behaviour.
An action already exists for invite filter triggers, you can either edit it or remove it.
Successfully toggled the invite filter **{toggle}**.
Successfully added {changed} to be ignored by the invite filter.
Successfully removed {changed} from being ignored by the invite filter.
Successfully set {changed} to be ignored by the invite filter.
Successfully reset the ignored channels for the invite filter.
Successfully added **{changed}** to the invite filter bypass list.
Successfully removed **{changed}** from the invite filter bypass list.
Successfully set the invite filter bypass list to **{changed}**.
Successfully reset the invite filter bypass list.
Successfully toggled invite filter silent mode **{toggle}**.
// Protection Setting
Configure how moderation immunity works. Can be specific roles or role position based.
__Protection Types__
**`position`:** Users cannot infract others with a higher role than them. *(default)*
**`role`:** Users cannot infract others with specified protection roles.
Invalid argument, must be either `role` or `position`.
Successfully set protection type to `{type}`.
Added `{changes}` to the protected list.
Removed `{changes}` from the protected list.
Set the protected list to `{changes}`.
The following roles are protected.
Configure automatic infraction escalation & other automated moderation behaviour.
**Note:** Toggling useprevious on will cause the automod to use the previous exceeded threshold's action if no new threshold is exceeded.
Successfully toggled automatic infraction escalation **{toggle}**.
Missing action type argument.
Cannot set **{infraction}** as a threshold.
Invalid points supplied, must be an integer between 0 and 100.
Successfully removed **{type}** at **{points} points**.
No points to remove.
Successfully added action **{type}** at **{points} points**.
Successfully added action **{type}** at **{points} points** for **{time}**.
Successfully overwrote **{oldType}** with **{type}** at **{points} points**.
Successfully overwrote **{oldType}** with **{type}** at **{points} points** for **{time}**.
No action set at that threshold.
Successfully removed length for **{type}** at **{points} points**.
Successfully toggled usage of previous exceeded threshold **{toggle}**.
Successfully set the action duration.
//moderationPoints Setting
Configure points and point expiration for infractions. Utilized by auto-moderation.
**Note:** Associating a word with a point value will use that point value if it is detected in the infraction reason and no point value is given manually.
Invalid points: `{arg}`
The provided integer is too small: `{arg}`
The provided integer is too big: `{arg}`
Could not parse a valid timestring from arguments!
Make sure you're using the right format!
**(int unit)**
s, sec, secs, second, seconds - will parse to seconds
m, min, mins, minute, minutes - will parse to minutes
h, hr, hrs, hour, hours - will parse to hours
d, day, days - will parse to days
w, week, weeks - will parse to weeks
mon, mth, mths, month, months - will parse to months
y, yr, yrs, year, years - will parse to years
Successfully associated `{word}` to `{points}` points.
Successfully removed the following associations: {words}
Successfully cleared all point associations.
Successfully set {type} to expire in `{time}` time.
Successfully toggled modpoints {toggle}.
Cannot assign points to **{infraction}** type.
Define the channels that the bot will ignore commands in from non-bypassed users.
Successfully added the following channels to the ignore list: `{changes}`
Successfully removed the following channels from the ignore list: `{changes}`
The following channels are being ignored by the bot: `{channels}`
The following roles have ignore bypass enabled: `{roles}`
Successfully added the following roles to the channel ignore bypass: **{changes}**
Successfully removed the following roles from the channel ignore bypass: **{changes}**
//moderationLog Setting
Define the channel to which moderation logs are sent. The setting also allows you to exclude/include types of actions from being logged in the channel.
{val} does not resolve into a channel.
Successfully set the modlogs channel to {channel}.
Successfully disabled moderation logs.
The following infractions are set to be logged: {list}.
switch("{method}") {
case "add":
case "remove":
case "set":
"set the"
Successfully **{method}** infraction type{plural} {types} to be logged.
Failed to **{method}** any infractions.
//nicknameLog Setting
Configure member nickname logging for your server.
Successfully toggled member nickname logging **{changed}**.
Successfully set member nicknames to log to {emoji_text-channel}**{changed}**.
//memberLog Setting
Configure member join and leave logging for your server.
__Available Tags__
**`{mention}`**: user mention
**`{tag}`:** username#discriminator
**`{user}`:** username
**`{serversize}`:** server member count
**`{servername}`:** server name
**`{accage}`:** user age
**`{id}`:** user ID
Successfully turned member logging **{changed}**.
Successfully set member joins and leaves to log to {emoji_text-channel}**{changed}**.
Successfully **{action}** the member join message to
Successfully **{action}** the member leave message to
//voiceLog Setting
Configure logging of voice joins and leaves for your server.
Successfully turned voice join and leave logging **{changed}**.
Successfully set voice joins and leaves to log to {emoji_text-channel}**{changed}**.
//messageLog Setting
Configure message logging for your server. Message logging utilizes webhooks, ensure the bot has the **Manage Webhooks** permission in the logging channel.
The following roles are ignored by chatlogs: {roles}
The following channels are ignored by chatlogs: {channels}
Successfully added {changed} to be ignored by the message logger.
Successfully removed {changed} from being ignored by the message logger.
Successfully set {changed} to be ignored by the message logger.
Successfully reset the ignored channels for the message logger.
Successfully added **{changed}** to the message logger bypass list.
Successfully removed **{changed}** from the message logger bypass list.
Successfully set the message logger bypass list to **{changed}**.
Successfully reset the message logger bypass list.
# Successfully {action} the following roles: {changed}
# Successfully {action} the following channels: {changed}
Successfully turned attachment logging **{changed}**.
To enable attachment logging the channel needs to be marked nsfw.
Successfully reset the chatlogs setting.
Successfully turned message logging **{changed}**.
Successfully turned message logging **{changed}**.
**Note:** The bot lacks the `MANAGE_WEBHOOKS` permission and is as such unable to configure the webhook for message logging.
Successfully set messages to log to {emoji_text-channel}**{changed}**.
//mute Setting
**Assign/create a muted role, choose mute functionality, define a default mute duration, or enable permanent mutes.** If creating a new muted role, creating permissions could take some time. Default mute durations will only be assigned if permanent mutes are off and a duration is not passed to the mute command.
__Mute Types__
**`0`:** Mutes only add/remove the muted role. *(default)*
**`1`:** Mutes remove all roles except for the muted role.
**`2`:** Mutes remove all roles, does not require a muted role.
The argument provided is not a number! The available types are: `0`, `1`, or `2`.
View `{prefix}setting mute` for more help.
The argument provided is not a valid type! The available types are: `0`, `1`, or `2`.
View `{prefix}setting mute` for more help.
Successfully set the **mute type** to `{type}`.
switch({type}) {
case 0:
"Mutes will now *only add/remove* the muted role.";
case 1:
"Mutes will now *remove all roles except for the muted role*, and then add them back once done.";
case 2:
"Mutes will now *remove all roles* and then add them back once done.";
The argument provided is not a boolean value. *(__t__rue, __f__alse)*
Successfully set **permanent mutes** to `{boolean}`.
The argument provided is not a time value. *(1hr, 3d, etc.)*
Successfully set the **default mute duration** to `{time} seconds`.
The bot *must have* the `MANAGE_ROLES` permission to create a new mute role.
Found an existing role named **{name}** `({id})`, would you like to use it and update these roles permissions?
Answering no will create a new role with updated permissions. *(__y__es, __n__o)*
This prompt will time out in __30 seconds__.
You provided an invalid input, please try again.
The bot encountered an issue while creating a role for the guild.
Cannot find a specified role with those arguments.
To create a new role, try `{prefix}set createmute Muted`.
Successully set the **mute role** to {emoji_role}**{role}**.
Successfully set the **mute role** to {emoji_role}**{role}**.
Successfully created and set the **mute role** to {emoji_role}**{role}**.
Some issues were found while creating permissions.
**Permissions have been applied to all possible channels.**
**None of the permissions have been changed.**
//Silent Setting
Configure if all moderation commands will execute silently. Silent executions will delete the exeuctor's message and will not respond unless encountering an error.
The argument provided is not a boolean value. *(__t__rue, __f__alse)*
Successfully set **silent** to `{value}`.
//DmInfraction Setting
Configure if messages get sent to users after they're infracted. Setup custom messages and customize what infractions you want to send to the user.
Successfully **{boolean}** the setting **dmInfraction**.
// Utility Module
//stickyRole Setting
Configure the role persistence when users leave and rejoin (roles get automatically reassigned upon rejoin).
Successfully toggled role persistence `{toggle}`.
Successfully made `{changes}` sticky.
Successfully made `{changes}` unsticky.
Successfully set sticky roles to `{changes}`.
The following roles persist when a user leaves and rejoins:
//guildIndex setting
Configure guild indexing and description for your guild.
Successfully set the guild description to
Successfully toggled guild indexing `{toggle}`.
//welcomer Setting
Configure a message that is sent to new members upon join.
**Usable tags:**
{mention} - mentions the user
{tag} - username#discriminator
{user} - username
{guildsize} - member count of the server
{guildname} - name of the server
{accage} - age of the account
{id} - ID of the account
Successfully toggled the welcomer `{toggle}`.
Successfully set the welcomer message to
//guildPrefix Setting
Customizes your prefix in the guild.
Successfully set the guild prefix to `{prefix}`.
The guild prefix cannot exceed {max} characters. `[{length}/{max}]`.
The guild prefix cannot include spaces.
Successfully reset the guild prefix to `{prefix}`.
//autorole setting
Configure automatic role assignment in your guild.
Successfully added the following roles to autorole:
Successfully removed the following roles from autorole:
The following roles are added to users upon join.
// Developer Module
//Premium Setting
View the server's current premium subscription tier.