2020-08-25 17:38:08 +03:00

202 lines
7.2 KiB

const { Command } = require('../../../../interfaces/');
const os = require('os');
class StatsCommand extends Command {
constructor(client) {
super(client, {
name: 'stats',
module: 'developer',
aliases: [
usage: '',
restricted: true,
arguments: [
name: 'log',
type: 'BOOLEAN',
types: ['FLAG'],
description: 'Logs the output in the console.'
showUsage: false,
archivable: false
async execute(message) {
// TODO:
// Add some stuff that only shows when a dev runs the command, for instance amount of cached messages etc
const { guild, author } = message;
const { shard } = this.client;
//Shards eval
const evalFunc = (thisArg) => {
return {
users: thisArg.users.cache.size,
guilds: thisArg.guilds.cache.size,
channels: thisArg.channels.cache.size,
memory: Math.floor(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024),
uptime: thisArg.uptime
//Manager eval
const mEvalFunc = (thisArg) => {
return {
memory: Math.floor(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024),
uptime: - thisArg.readyAt
const shardResults = await shard.broadcastEval(evalFunc).catch((error) => this.client.logger.error(error));
const managerResult = await this.client.managerEval(`(${mEvalFunc})(this)`).catch((error) => this.client.logger.error(error));
//Current shard
const mainValues = {
uptime: this.client.resolver.timeAgo(Math.floor(managerResult.uptime / 1000), true, true, true),
memory: managerResult.memory,
shards: shard.count,
library: require('discord.js').version
//All shards combined
const shardValues = {
cachedUsers: this.client.users.cache.size,
guilds: this.client.guilds.cache.size,
channels: this.client.channels.cache.size,
uptime: this.client.resolver.timeAgo(Math.floor(this.client.uptime / 1000), true, true, true),
memory: Math.floor(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024)
//Compile shard data
const totalValues = shardResults.reduce((acc, curr) => {
Object.entries(curr).forEach(([key, val]) => {
if (!acc[key]) acc[key] = 0;
acc[key] += val;
return acc;
}, {});
totalValues.uptime = this.client.resolver.timeAgo(Math.floor(totalValues.uptime / 1000), true, true, true);
//System information
const CPU = os.cpus();
const memoryFree = (os.freemem() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1);
const memoryTotal = (os.totalmem() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1);
const sysInfo = {
devs: await this.client.resolveUsers( => {
return => o.tag).join(', ');
cpu: CPU[0].model,
cores: CPU.length,
memoryUsed: (memoryTotal - memoryFree).toFixed(1),
osType: os.type(),
uptime: this.client.resolver.timeAgo(os.uptime(), true, true, true),
hostname: os.hostname()
//Command statistics - probably expand this further
const commands = this.client.registry.components.filter((comp) => comp.type === 'command');
const commandValues = {
invokes: commands.reduce((acc, cmd) => acc + cmd._invokes.success +, 0),
success: commands.reduce((acc, cmd) => acc + cmd._invokes.success, 0),
fail: commands.reduce((acc, cmd) => acc +, 0)
const embed = {
title: message.format('C_STATS_TITLE', {
client: this.client.user.tag,
version: require('../../../../../package.json').version
description: message.format('C_STATS_SYSTEM_VALUE', sysInfo),
fields: [
name: message.format('C_STATS_MAIN'),
value: message.format('C_STATS_MAIN_VALUE', mainValues),
inline: true
name: message.format('C_STATS_CURRENT_SHARD', { shard: guild.shardID }),
value: message.format('C_STATS_CURRENT_SHARDS_VALUE', shardValues),
inline: true
name: message.format('C_STATS_TOTAL'),
value: message.format('C_STATS_TOTAL_VALUE', totalValues),
inline: true
name: message.format('C_STATS_COMMANDS'),
value: message.format('C_STATS_COMMANDS_VALUE', commandValues),
inline: true
if (author.developer) {
//Mongo DB
const stats = await;
const dbStats = {
db: stats.db,
collections: stats.collections,
objects: stats.objects,
avgObjSize: (stats.avgObjSize / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1),
totalSize: (stats.dataSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)
name: message.format('C_STATS_MONGODB'),
value: message.format('C_STATS_MONGODB_VALUE', dbStats),
inline: true
const evalFunc2 = () => {
let msg = 0,
mem = 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign
this.channels.cache.forEach((c) => {
msg += c.messages?.cache.size || 0;
this.guilds.cache.forEach((g) => {
mem += g.members.cache.size;
return {
cachedMessages: msg,
cachedMembers: mem
const result = await shard.broadcastEval(evalFunc2).catch((error) => this.client.logger.error(error.stack));
const other = result.reduce((acc, curr) => {
Object.entries(curr).forEach(([key, val]) => {
if (!acc[key]) acc[key] = 0;
acc[key] += val;
return acc;
}, {});
other.memberAvg = Math.floor(other.cachedMembers / shard.count);
other.messageAvg = Math.floor(other.cachedMessages / shard.count);
name: message.format('C_STATS_CACHE'),
value: message.format('C_STATS_CACHE_VALUE', other),
inline: true
module.exports = StatsCommand;