//Help Command [C_HELP_DESCRIPTION] Shows helpful information for commands, settings, and moderation. [C_HELP] **__HELP MENU__** For a list of all available commands, use `{prefix}commands [ group ]`. **❯ Arguments** The bot splits arguments by space unless specified otherwise. To pass an argument that contains spaces you have to encapsulate it in quotes, some exceptions exist. **Ex:** `{prefix}grant "rolename that contains spaces" < permission >` - quotes are necessary `{prefix}user some user` - quotes not necessary **Typically** if the argument is at the end of a command it won't require quotes. **❯ Documentation notation** **Optional** arguments are denoted by being encapsulated in brackets `[ ]` - means that the command will run either with default values or show usage prompt. **Required** arguments are denoted by less and greater than `< >` - means that the command will not run and return an error. **Infinite** arguments (ones you can list several) are denoted by `..` after the argument. Ex `< argument.. >` - means you can pass more than one argument. **Alternatives** are denoted by being separated by a `|`. **Actual values** that you can use in a command are denoted by being surrounded by single quotes `' '`. **❯ Moderation** For help with moderation, see `{prefix}help modhelp`. __**Warning:** This is a long embed.__ **❯ Command aliases** Most commands and settings have some kind of aliases associated with them, some of which change the behaviour of the command or setting. For instance the mute setting has a `createmute` (`{prefix}settings createmute `) alias, which changes the behaviour to be identical to `{prefix}settings mute create `. **❯ Detailed usage of commands** `{prefix}help [ command / setting ]` **❯ Links** [Support & Info server](https://discord.gg/SvJgtEj) [@BotGalactic Twitter](https://twitter.com/BotGalactic) [GalacticBot Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/galacticbot) [C_HELP_TEMPLATE] __**{component} HELP**__ {desc} **Example usage** {text} [C_HELP_HELP] Shows information about the bot and component usage. To show help for commands `{prefix}help [command]` [C_HELP_404] Dude stop, {component} doesn't exist! [C_HELP_TAGS] **TAG SEARCH** Commands and settings matching tag `{keyword}`. For further help on how to use them, see `{prefix}help `. [MODHELP_TITLE] **Moderation help menu** [MODHELP_DESC] **Galactic Bot** offers extensive moderation tools for servers, small and large, ranging from simple warnings and notes to mutes and tempbans. One of our more recent additions is automod. While not necessarily being a true automod, it'll keep track of moderation escalation for you with some configuration. Automod utilizes configurable modpoints and thresholds, for more information about automod see `{prefix}settings modpoints` and `{prefix}settings automod`. **Galactic's** moderation commands can be viewed by using `{prefix}commands moderation`. The moderation utility follows a specific syntax for moderation, some parts allow for variation, while others require the arguments to be in specific locations in the command. **The general syntax is:** `{prefix} @user [time] [reason]` Arguments that don't follow a strict pattern can be put anywhere **in the reason**. Such arguments are flags (and points, though they don't follow the same syntax as flags, more on that in a bit). For now there aren't many flags used by the moderation utility, though more may come in the future. The flags currently in use are `--force` and `--expires: