/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */ class Resolver { constructor(client) { this.client = client; } components(str = '', type, exact = true) { const string = str.toLowerCase(); const components = this.client.registry.components .filter((c) => c.type === type) .filter(exact ? filterExact(string) : filterInexact(string)) //eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define .array(); return components || []; } resolveBoolean(input) { input = input.toLowerCase(); const truthy = [ 'on', 'true', 'yes', 'enable', 'y' ]; const falsey = [ 'off', 'false', 'no', 'disable', 'n' ]; if(truthy.includes(input)) { return true; } else if (falsey.includes(input)) { return false; } return null; } /** * Resolves methods used primarily for settings, also deals with appending the arguments into existing lists * * @param {Array} args The incoming arguments with the first element being the method ex. ['add','ban','kick'] * @param {Array} valid An array of items to compare to, if an argument doesn't exist in this array it'll be skipped over * @param {Array} [existing=[]] Existing values in the array, valid elements will be appended to this * @param {Function} resolver One of the resolver functions used to resolve the passed values into objects (should always be one of the mass resolver due to the nature of this method, might break otherwise) * @returns {Object} * @memberof Resolver */ resolveMethod(args, valid, existing = [], resolver) { const methods = { list: ['view', 'list', '?'], add: ['add', '+'], remove: ['remove', 'delete', '-'] }; if (!args.length) return false; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let [method, ...rest] = args; method = method.toLowerCase(); if (!rest.length) { if (methods.list.includes(method)) return { method: 'list', rest }; if (methods.add.includes(method)) return { method: 'add', rest }; if (methods.remove.includes(method)) return { method: 'remove', rest }; } if (methods.list.includes(method)) { if(resolver) return { method: 'list' }; } else if (methods.add.includes(method)) { const added = []; for (let elem of rest) { elem = elem.toLowerCase(); if (existing.includes(elem) || valid && !valid.includes(elem)) continue; added.push(elem); existing.push(elem); } return { rest, method: 'add', changed: added, result: existing }; } else if (methods.remove.includes(method)) { const removed = []; for (let elem of rest) { elem = elem.toLowerCase(); if (!existing.includes(elem) || removed.includes(elem) || valid && !valid.includes(elem)) continue; removed.push(elem); existing.splice(existing.indexOf(elem), 1); } return { rest, method: 'remove', changed: removed, result: existing }; } return false; } async resolveMemberAndUser(string, guild) { const str = string.toLowerCase(); const index = guild ? guild.members.cache : this.client.users.cache; let member = null; if((/<@!?(\d{17,21})>/iyu).test(str)) { //mentions const matches = (/<@!?(\d{17,21})>/iuy).exec(str); member = index.get(matches[1]); if(!member) { try { member = await index.fetch(matches[1]); } catch(e) { try { member = await this.client.users.cache.fetch(matches[1]); } catch(e) {} //eslint-disable-line no-empty } //eslint-disable-line no-empty } } else if((/\d{17,21}/iuy).test(str)) { //id const matches = (/(\d{17,21})/iuy).exec(str); member = index.get(matches[1]); if(!member) { try { member = await index.fetch(matches[1]); } catch(e) { try { member = await this.client.users.cache.fetch(matches[1]); } catch(e) {} //eslint-disable-line no-empty } //eslint-disable-line no-empty } } else if((/(.{2,32})#(\d{4})/iuy).test(str)) { //username#discrim const matches = (/(.{2,32})#(\d{4})/iuy).exec(str); member = guild ? guild.members.cache.filter((m) => m.user.username === matches[1] && m.user.discriminator === matches[2]).first() : this.client.users.cache.filter((u) => u.username === matches[1] && u.discriminator === matches[2]).first(); } return member || null; } /** * Resolve several user resolveables * * @param {array} [resolveables=[]] an array of user resolveables (name, id, tag) * @param {boolean} [strict=false] whether or not to attempt resolving by partial usernames * @returns {array || boolean} Array of resolved users or false if none were resolved * @memberof Resolver */ async resolveUsers(resolveables = [], strict = false) { if(typeof resolveables === 'string') resolveables = [ resolveables ]; if(resolveables.length === 0) return false; const { users } = this.client; const resolved = []; for(const resolveable of resolveables) { if((/<@!?([0-9]{17,21})>/u).test(resolveable)) { const [, id] = resolveable.match(/<@!?([0-9]{17,21})>/u); const user = await users.fetch(id).catch((err) => { if(err.code === 10013) return false; this.client.logger.warn(err); return false; }); if(user) resolved.push(user); } else if((/(id:)?([0-9]{17,21})/u).test(resolveable)) { const [,, id] = resolveable.match(/(id:)?([0-9]{17,21})/u); const user = await users.fetch(id).catch((err) => { if(err.code === 10013) return false; this.client.logger.warn(err); return false; }); if(user) resolved.push(user); } else if((/^@?([\S\s]{1,32})#([0-9]{4})/u).test(resolveable)) { const m = resolveable.match(/^@?([\S\s]{1,32})#([0-9]{4})/u); const username = m[1].toLowerCase(); const discrim = m[2].toLowerCase(); const user = users.cache.filter((u) => u.username.toLowerCase() === username && u.discriminator === discrim).first(); if(user) resolved.push(user); } else if(!strict) { const name = resolveable.toLowerCase(); const user = users.cache.filter((u) => u.username.toLowerCase().includes(name)).first(); if(user) resolved.push(user); } } return resolved.length ? resolved : false; } async resolveUser(resolveable, strict) { if (!resolveable) return false; const result = await this.resolveUsers([ resolveable ], strict); return result ? result[0] : false; } /** * Resolve multiple member resolveables * * @param {array} [resolveables=[]] an array of member resolveables (name, nickname, tag, id) * @param {boolean} [strict=false] whether or not to attempt resolving by partial matches * @param {Guild} guild the guild in which to look for members * @returns {array || boolean} an array of resolved members or false if none were resolved * @memberof Resolver */ async resolveMembers(resolveables = [], guild, strict = false) { if(typeof resolveables === 'string') resolveables = [ resolveables ]; if(resolveables.length === 0) return false; const { members } = guild; const resolved = []; for(const resolveable of resolveables) { if((/<@!?([0-9]{17,21})>/u).test(resolveable)) { const [, id] = resolveable.match(/<@!?([0-9]{17,21})>/u); const member = await members.fetch(id).catch((err) => { if(err.code === 10007) return false; this.client.logger.warn(err); return false; }); if(member) resolved.push(member); } else if((/(id:)?([0-9]{17,21})/u).test(resolveable)) { const [,, id] = resolveable.match(/(id:)?([0-9]{17,21})/u); const member = await members.fetch(id).catch((err) => { if(err.code === 10007) return false; this.client.logger.warn(err); return false; }); if(member) resolved.push(member); } else if((/^@?([\S\s]{1,32})#([0-9]{4})/u).test(resolveable)) { const m = resolveable.match(/^@?([\S\s]{1,32})#([0-9]{4})/u); const username = m[1].toLowerCase(); const discrim = m[2].toLowerCase(); const member = members.cache.filter((m) => m.user.username.toLowerCase() === username && m.user.discriminator === discrim).first(); if(member) resolved.push(member); } else if((/^@?([\S\s]{1,32})/u).test(resolveable) && guild && !strict) { const nickname = resolveable.match(/^@?([\S\s]{1,32})/u)[0].toLowerCase(); const member = members.cache.filter((m) => m && m.user && ((!m.nickname ? false : m.nickname.toLowerCase() === nickname) || (!m.nickname ? false : m.nickname.toLowerCase().includes(nickname)) || m.user.username.toLowerCase().includes(nickname) || m.user.username.toLowerCase() === nickname)).first(); if(member) resolved.push(member); } } return resolved.length > 0 ? resolved : false; } async resolveMember(resolveable, guild, strict) { if (!resolveable) return false; const result = await this.resolveMembers([ resolveable ], guild, strict); return result ? result[0] : false; } /** * Resolve multiple channels * * @param {array} [resolveables=[]] an array of channel resolveables (name, id) * @param {guild} guild the guild in which to look for channels * @param {boolean} [strict=false] whether or not partial names are resolved * @returns {array || false} an array of guild channels or false if none were resolved * @memberof Resolver */ resolveChannels(resolveables = [], guild, strict = false) { if(typeof resolveables === 'string') resolveables = [ resolveables ]; if(resolveables.length === 0) return false; const { channels } = guild; const resolved = []; for(const resolveable of resolveables) { const channel = channels.resolve(resolveable); if(channel) { resolved.push(channel); continue; } const name = /^#?([a-z0-9\-_0]*)/iu; const id = /^<#([0-9]*)>/iu; if (id.test(resolveable)) { const match = resolveable.match(id); const [, ch] = match; const channel = channels.resolve(ch); if (channel) resolved.push(channel); } else if (name.test(resolveable)) { const match = resolveable.match(name); const ch = match[1].toLowerCase(); const [ channel ] = channels.cache.filter((c) => { if(!strict) return c.name.toLowerCase().includes(ch); return c.name.toLowerCase() === ch; }).first(1); if(channel) resolved.push(channel); } } return resolved.length > 0 ? resolved : false; } resolveChannel(resolveable, guild, strict) { if (!resolveable) return false; const result = this.resolveChannels([resolveable], guild, strict); return result ? result[0] : false; } /** * Resolve multiple roles * * @param {array} [resolveables=[]] an array of roles resolveables (name, id) * @param {Guild} guild the guild in which to look for roles * @param {boolean} [strict=false] whether or not partial names are resolved * @returns {array || false} an array of roles or false if none were resolved * @memberof Resolver */ async resolveRoles(resolveables = [], guild, strict = false) { if(typeof resolveables === 'string') resolveables = [ resolveables ]; if(resolveables.length === 0) return false; const { roles } = guild; const resolved = []; for(const resolveable of resolveables) { const id = /^(<@&)?([0-9]{16,22})>?/iu; if(id.test(resolveable)) { const match = resolveable.match(id); const [,, rId] = match; const role = await roles.fetch(rId).catch(this.client.logger.error); if(role) resolved.push(role); } else { const role = roles.cache.filter((r) => { if(!strict) return r.name.toLowerCase().includes(resolveable.toLowerCase()); return r.name.toLowerCase() === resolveable.toLowerCase(); }).first(); if(role) resolved.push(role); } } return resolved.length > 0 ? resolved : false; } async resolveRole(resolveable, guild, strict) { if (!resolveable) return false; const result = await this.resolveRoles([resolveable], guild, strict); return result ? result[0] : false; } } module.exports = Resolver; const filterExact = (search) => (comp) => comp.id.toLowerCase() === search || comp.resolveable.toLowerCase() === search || comp.aliases && (comp.aliases.some((ali) => `${comp.type}:${ali}`.toLowerCase() === search) || comp.aliases.some((ali) => ali.toLowerCase() === search)); const filterInexact = (search) => (comp) => comp.id.toLowerCase().includes(search) || comp.resolveable.toLowerCase().includes(search) || comp.aliases && (comp.aliases.some((ali) => `${comp.type}:${ali}`.toLowerCase().includes(search)) || comp.aliases.some((ali) => ali.toLowerCase().includes(search)));