const { Setting } = require('../../../../interfaces/'); class DmInfractionSetting extends Setting { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'dmInfraction', module: 'moderation', aliases: [ 'directMessageInfraction', 'privateLog', 'dmLog'// idk... ], default: { dmInfraction: { enabled: true, onRemoved: true, //only Kick, Softban, and Ban custom: { default: "You were **{infraction}** on the server `{server}`, your infraction details are below." //BAN: etc } } } }); } async handle(message, args) { //to do return { msg: 'fuck off', error: false }; } async fields(guild) { const setting = guild._settings[this.index]; } } module.exports = DmInfractionSetting;