//Command Arguments //Administration Module //Settings Command [A_EXPORT_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION] Export a JSON file of all of the settings for the server or user. [A_USER_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION] View or edit user-only settings. //Grant Command [A_CHANNEL_GRANT_DESCRIPTION] Specify channels to grant specific permissions to. //Revoke Command [A_CHANNEL_REVOKE_DESCRIPTION] Specify channels to revoke permissions from. //Permissions Command [A_EXPORT_PERMISSIONS_DESCRIPTION] Export a JSON file of all of the permissions in the server. //Developer Module //Evaluate Command [A_LOG_EVALUATE_DESCRIPTION] Prints the evaluation to the console. [A_HIDE_EVALUATE_DESCRIPTION] Hides the evaluation from public view. //Moderation Module //Note Command [A_SILENT_NOTE_DESCRIPTION] Deletes the command message and the execution message. //Warn Command [A_SILENT_WARN_DESCRIPTION] Deletes the command message and the execution message. [A_POINTS_WARN_DESCRIPTION] Assign moderation points to the user. [A_EXPIRATION_WARN_DESCRIPTION] Assign a duration for the moderation points to expire. [A_FORCE_WARN_DESCRIPTION] Bypasses the moderation point escalation. [A_PRUNE_WARN_DESCRIPTION] Removes messages from the user. //Unmute Command [A_SILENT_UNMUTE_DESCRIPTION] Deletes the command message and the execution message. //Mute Command [A_SILENT_MUTE_DESCRIPTION] Deletes the command message and the execution message. [A_POINTS_MUTE_DESCRIPTION] Assign moderation points to the user. [A_EXPIRATION_MUTE_DESCRIPTION] Assign a duration for the moderation points to expire. [A_FORCE_MUTE_DESCRIPTION] Bypasses the moderation point escalation. [A_PRUNE_MUTE_DESCRIPTION] Removes messages from the user. //Kick Command [A_SILENT_KICK_DESCRIPTION] Deletes the command message and the execution message. [A_POINTS_KICK_DESCRIPTION] Assign moderation points to the user. [A_EXPIRATION_KICK_DESCRIPTION] Assign a duration for the moderation points to expire. [A_FORCE_KICK_DESCRIPTION] Bypasses the moderation point escalation. [A_PRUNE_KICK_DESCRIPTION] Removes messages from the user. //Softban Command [A_SILENT_SOFTBAN_DESCRIPTION] Deletes the command message and the execution message. [A_POINTS_SOFTBAN_DESCRIPTION] Assign moderation points to the user. [A_EXPIRATION_SOFTBAN_DESCRIPTION] Assign a duration for the moderation points to expire. [A_FORCE_SOFTBAN_DESCRIPTION] Bypasses the moderation point escalation. [A_DAYS_SOFTBAN_DESCRIPTION] Specify an amount of days to remove messages from. //Ban Command [A_SILENT_BAN_DESCRIPTION] Deletes the command message and the execution message. [A_POINTS_BAN_DESCRIPTION] Assign moderation points to the user. [A_EXPIRATION_BAN_DESCRIPTION] Assign a duration for the moderation points to expire. [A_FORCE_BAN_DESCRIPTION] Bypasses the moderation point escalation. [A_DAYS_BAN_DESCRIPTION] Specify an amount of days to remove messages from. //Unban Command [A_SILENT_UNBAN_DESCRIPTION] Deletes the command message and the execution message. //Prune Command [A_USERS_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages sent by specified users. [A_BOTS_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages sent by bots. [A_HUMANS_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages sent by non-bots. [A_CONTAINS_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages containing specified text. [A_STARTSWITH_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages starting with specified text. [A_ENDSWITH_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages ending with specified text. [A_TEXT_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages containing text. [A_INVITES_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages containing discord invites. [A_LINKS_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages containing links. [A_EMOJIS_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages containing emojis. [A_REACTIONS_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages containing reactions. [A_IMAGES_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages containing images. [A_ATTACHMENTS_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages containing any attachment. [A_AFTER_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages after a specified message. [A_BEFORE_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Filter messages before a specified message. [A_AND_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Use a logical AND for checks. [A_NOT_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Use a logical NOT for checks. [A_SILENT_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Deletes the command message and the execution message. //History Arguments [A_BEFORE_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION] Search history before a certain date. [A_AFTER_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION] Search history after a certain date. [A_TYPE_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION] Search history only containing certain infraction types. [A_OLDEST_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION] Sort history by oldest. [A_VERBOSE_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION] Display user IDs. //Settings Arguments //Mute Setting [A_CREATE_MUTE_SETTINGS] Create a new muted role instead of using an existing one. [A_TYPE_MUTE_SETTINGS] Select a mute type functionality. [A_PERMANENT_MUTE_SETTINGS] Determine if you would like to allow permanent mutes if no duration is provided. [A_DEFAULTDURATION_MUTE_SETTINGS] Determine the default duration chosen if no duration is provided. [A_TEXT_MUTE_SETTINGS] Only creates permissions for text-channels. [A_VOICE_MUTE_SETTINGS] Only creates permissions for voice-channels. //Utility Module