const { Command } = require('../../../../interfaces/'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); class ComponentCommand extends Command { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'component', module: 'developer', restricted: true, aliases: [ 'c', 'comp' ], usage: '[component..]', arguments: [ // { // name: 'reload', // type: 'STRING', // types: ['FLAG'], // aliases: [ 'r' ], // description: "Reloads the language library", // default: 'all' // } ] }); this.client = client; } async execute(message, { params }) { // const method = params.shift().toLowerCase(); let response = null; if (method === 'reload' || method === 'r') response = this._handleReload(params); else if (method === 'enable') response = this._handleDisableEnable(params.shift().toLowerCase(), true); else if (method === 'disable') response = this._handleDisableEnable(params.shift().toLowerCase(), false); else if (method === 'load') response = this._handleLoadUnload(params.shift().toLowerCase(), true); else if (method === 'unload') response = this._handleLoadUnload(params.shift().toLowerCase(), false); else return message.respond('Invalid method. Can only be `reload`, `enable`, `disable`, `load`, `unload`', 'failure'); return message.respond(response.msg, { emoji: response.error ? 'failure' : 'success' }); } _handleReload(params) { const name = params.length ? params.shift().toLowerCase() : 'all'; //ex. language const value = params.length ? params.shift().toLowerCase() : 'all'; //ex. en_us --> combined: -component reload language en_us if (name === 'language' || name === 'lang' || name === 'l') { if (value === 'all') { this.client.localeLoader.loadLanguages(); return { msg: 'Reloaded all languages' }; } try { this.client.localeLoader.loadLanguage(value); return { msg: `Reloaded locale \`${value}\`` }; } catch (err) { return { error: true, msg: err.message }; } } else { if (name === 'all') { const errors = []; const { components } = this.client.registry; for (const component of components.values()) { const result = component.reload(); if (result.error) errors.push(`Component ${} errored while reloading with code \`${result.code}\``); } if (errors.length) return { error: true, msg: `The following errors occurred during reload:\n${errors.join('\n')}` }; return { msg: `Successfully reloaded all components` }; } const component = this.client.registry.components.get(name); if (!component) return { error: true, msg: `Component ${name} doesn't exist.` }; const result = component.reload(); if (result.error) return { error: true, msg: `Component ${name} errored while reloading with code \`${result.code}\`` }; return { msg: `Successfully reloaded ${name}` }; } } _handleDisableEnable(name, enable) { const component = this.client.registry.components.get(name); let result = null; if (!component) return { error: true, msg: `Component ${name} doesn't exist.` }; if (enable) result = component.enable(); else result = component.disable(); if (result.error) return { error: true, msg: `Cannot ${enable ? 'enable' : 'disable'} ${name} due to ${result.code}` }; return { msg: `Successfully ${enable ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'} component ${name}` }; } _handleLoadUnload(name, load) { let result = null; if (load) { const directory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'structure/client/components', name); try { fs.accessSync(directory); } catch(err) { return { error: true, msg: `\`${name}\` is an invalid path!` }; } // components/commands/utility/Ping.js const func = require(directory); //directory if (typeof func !== 'function') { delete require.cache[directory]; return { error: true, msg: 'Attempted to index an invalid function as a component.' }; } const component = new func(this.client); result = this.client.registry.loadComponent(component, directory); if (!result) return { error: true, msg: `Failed to load component ${name}, see console.` }; return { msg: `Successfully loaded component: ${component.resolveable}` }; } const component = this.client.registry.components.filter(filterInexact(name)).first(); //eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define if (!component) return { error: true, msg: `Component ${name} doesn't exist.` }; result = component.unload(); if (result.error) return { error: true, msg: `Cannot ${load ? 'load' : 'unload'} ${name} due to ${result.code}` }; return { msg: `Successfully ${load ? 'loaded' : 'unloaded'} component ${name}` }; } } module.exports = ComponentCommand; const filterInexact = (search) => (comp) => || comp.resolveable.toLowerCase().includes(search) || comp.aliases && (comp.aliases.some((ali) => `${comp.type}:${ali}`.toLowerCase().includes(search)) || comp.aliases.some((ali) => ali.toLowerCase().includes(search)));