//Help Command [C_HELP_DESCRIPTION] Shows helpful information for commands, settings, and moderation. [C_HELP] **__HELP MENU__** For a list of all available commands, use `{prefix}commands [ group ]`. **❯ Arguments** The bot splits arguments by space unless specified otherwise. To pass an argument that contains spaces you have to encapsulate it in quotes, some exceptions exist. **Ex:** `{prefix}grant "rolename that contains spaces" < permission >` - quotes are necessary `{prefix}user some user` - quotes not necessary **Typically** if the argument is at the end of a command it won't require quotes. **❯ Documentation notation** **Optional** arguments are denoted by being encapsulated in brackets `[ ]` - means that the command will run either with default values or show usage prompt. **Required** arguments are denoted by less and greater than `< >` - means that the command will not run and return an error. **Infinite** arguments (ones you can list several) are denoted by `..` after the argument. Ex `< argument.. >` - means you can pass more than one argument. **Alternatives** are denoted by being separated by a `|`. **Actual values** that you can use in a command are denoted by being surrounded by single quotes `' '`. **❯ Moderation** For help with moderation, see `{prefix}help modhelp`. __**Warning:** This is a long embed.__ **❯ Command aliases** Most commands and settings have some kind of aliases associated with them, some of which change the behaviour of the command or setting. For instance the mute setting has a `createmute` (`{prefix}settings createmute `) alias, which changes the behaviour to be identical to `{prefix}settings mute create `. **❯ Detailed usage of commands** `{prefix}help [ command / setting ]` **❯ Links** [Support & Info server](https://discord.gg/SvJgtEj) [@BotGalactic Twitter](https://twitter.com/BotGalactic) [GalacticBot Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/galacticbot) [C_HELP_TEMPLATE] __**{component} HELP**__ {desc} **Example usage** {text} [C_HELP_HELP] Shows information about the bot and component usage. To show help for commands `{prefix}help [command]` [C_HELP_404] Dude stop, {component} doesn't exist! //Guild command [C_GUILD_DESCRIPTION] View data about the server. [C_GUILD_TEMPLATE] **{name}** {description} **Owner:** <@{owner}> **Member count:** {members} **Boost tier:** {tier} **Boosters:** {boosters} **Date created:** {createdAt} **Server ID:** {id} **Shard ID:** {shard} **Channels:** Text {tc} / Voice {vc} **Server voice region:** {region} //Commands Command [C_COMMANDS_DESCRIPTION] Displays all commands and help. [C_COMMANDS_TITLE] Available commands [C_COMMANDS_TEMPLATE] Displaying commands for module `{mod}`. {text} [C_COMMANDS] __Commands that are struck through are disabled.__ [C_COMMANDS_FOOTER] To search by specific module, use {prefix}commands [ module ] //Prefix Command [C_PREFIX_DESCRIPTION] Displays the prefix that the server uses. [C_PREFIX_SHOWPREFIX] The guild's current prefix is **`{prefix}`**. You can also execute commands by mentioning me.