const Command = require('../Command'); class CannedReply extends Command { constructor (client) { super(client, { name: 'cannedreply', aliases: [ 'cr', 'canned' ], showUsage: true, usage: `` }); } async execute (message, { args }) { const [ first, second ] = => a); // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let { channel, content, _caller } = message, anon = false; content = content.replace(`${this.client.prefix}${_caller}`, ''); const op = args.shift().toLowerCase(); if (op === 'anon') { anon = true; content = content.replace(first, ''); } else if ([ 'create', 'delete' ].includes(op)) { return this.createCanned(op, args, message); } else if ([ 'list' ].includes(first.toLowerCase())) { const list = Object.entries(this.client.modmail.replies); let str = ''; if (second.toLowerCase() === '-dm') channel = await; // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow for (const [ name, content ] of list) { const substr = `**${name}:** ${content}\n`; if (str.length + substr.length > 2000) { await channel.send(str); str = ''; } str += substr; } if (str.length) return channel.send(str); return '**__None__**'; } return this.client.modmail.sendCannedResponse({ message, responseName: content.trim(), anon }); } async createCanned (op, args, { channel, author }) { if (args.length < 1) return { error: true, msg: 'Missing reply name' }; const [ _name, ] = args; const name = _name.toLowerCase(); const canned = this.client.modmail.replies; let confirmation = null; if (op === 'create') { if (!rest.length) return { error: true, msg: 'Missing content' }; if (canned[name]) { confirmation = await this.client.prompt(`A canned reply by the name ${name} already exists, would you like to overwrite it?`, { channel, author }); if (!confirmation) return 'Timed out.'; confirmation = [ 'y', 'yes', 'ok' ].includes(confirmation.content.toLowerCase()); if (!confirmation) return 'Cancelled'; } canned[name] = rest.join(' '); } else { delete canned[name]; } this.client.modmail.saveReplies(); return `Updated ${_name}`; } } module.exports = CannedReply;