const Command = require('../Command'); const Util = require('../Util'); class Logs extends Command { constructor (client) { super(client, { name: 'logs', aliases: [ 'mmlogs', 'mmhistory', 'mmlog' ], showUsage: true, usage: ' [page]' }); } async execute (message, { args }) { const user = await this.client.resolveUser(args[0]); let pageNr = 1; if (args[1]) { const num = parseInt(args[1]); if (isNaN(num)) return { error: true, msg: 'Invalid page number, must be number' }; pageNr = num; } const { member, channel } = message; const history = await this.client.cache.loadModmailHistory(; if (!history.length) return 'Not found in modmail DB'; const page = Util.paginate([ ...history ].filter((e) => !('readState' in e)).reverse(), pageNr, 10); const embed = { author: { name: `${user.tag} modmail history`, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase icon_url: user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) }, footer: { text: `${} | Page ${}/${page.maxPage}` }, fields: [], color: member.highestRoleColor }; for (const entry of page.items) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow const user = await this.client.resolveUser(; let value = entry.content.substring(0, 1000) + (entry.content.length > 1000 ? '...' : ''); if (!value.length) value = entry.attachments.join('\n'); embed.fields.push({ name: `${user.tag}${entry.anon ? ' (ANON)' : ''} @ ${new Date(entry.timestamp).toUTCString()}`, value }); if (entry.attachments?.length && entry.content.length) embed.fields.push({ name: `Attachments`, value: entry.attachments.join('\n') }); } await channel.send({ embed }); } } module.exports = Logs;