// remove .example from the name to use this file, make sure to fill in the configs
discordToken:'',// Discord bot token
galacticToken:'',// Token for Galactic's API for integration with Galactic Bot, not a thing yet
mainGuild:'',// main server of operation
bansGuild:'',// optional bans server for potential appeals processing
modmailCategory:[],// Should have 3 category IDs, main category (new), answered/waiting for reply, graveyard (old modmail channels getting ready for deletion)
context:10,// How many messages to load for context
staffRoles:[],// Roles that have access to the bot commands
graveyardInactive:60,// How long a channel should be inactive for in the graveyard before deletion
readInactive:30,// How long a channel should be inactive for in the read category before moving to graveyard
channelSweepInterval:10,// How often channel transitions should be processed in minutes
saveInterval:1,// How often modmail history should be written to file in minutes
evalAccess:[],// Array of IDs that should have access to the bot's eval function