const { Observer } = require('../../../interfaces/'); const CONSTANTS = { COLORS: { RED: 16711680, // message delete YELLOW: 15120384, // message edit LIGHT_BLUE: 11337726 // message pin } }; class GuildLogger extends Observer { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'guildLogger', priority: 3 }); this.hooks = [ ['message', this.storeAttachment.bind(this)], //Attachment logging ['messageDelete', this.messageDelete.bind(this)], ['messageDeleteBulk', this.messageDeleteBulk.bind(this)], ['messageUpdate', this.messageEdit.bind(this)], ['voiceStateUpdate', this.voiceState.bind(this)], ['guildBanAdd', this.ban.bind(this)], ['guildBanRemove', this.unban.bind(this)], ['guildMemberAdd', this.memberJoin.bind(this)], ['guildMemberRemove', this.memberLeave.bind(this)], ['guildMemberUpdate', this.memberUpdate.bind(this)] ]; } async storeAttachment(message) { } //TODO: Figure this thing out, this should be called from messageDelete and rawMessageDelete if any attachments are present //data should be an object containing the necessary information to query for the attachment from the db, and the relevant information to log it //Will figure this out once I get to that point async logAttachment(data) { } async messageDelete(message) { const { guild } = message; if (!guild) return; if (!message.member) message.member = await guild.members.fetch(; const { member, channel, author } = message; const settings = await guild.settings(); const chatlogs = settings.messageLog; if (!chatlogs || ! return; const { ignoredRoles, ignoredChannels } = chatlogs; const logChannel = guild.resolveChannel(; if (!logChannel || !logChannel.permissionsFor('SEND_MESSAGES')) return; if (ignoredRoles && member._roles.length) for (const role of ignoredRoles) if (member._roles.includes(role)) return; if (ignoredChannels && ignoredChannels.includes( return; if (message.attachments.size) return this.logAttachment({ msgID:, guildID:, channelID:, logChannel }); const embed = { title: message.format('MSGLOG_DELETE_TITLE', { author: author.tag, channel: }), description: message.content, footer: { text: message.format('MSGLOG_DELETE_FOOTER', { msgID:, userID: }) }, color: CONSTANTS.COLORS.RED, timestamp: message.createdAt }; await logChannel.send({ embed }); } async messageDeleteBulk(messages) { } async messageEdit(oldMessage, newMessage) { // embeds loading in (ex. when a link is posted) would cause a message edit event if(oldMessage.embeds.length !== newMessage.embeds.length) return; const { guild } = oldMessage; if (!guild) return; if (!oldMessage.member) oldMessage.member = await guild.members.fetch(; const { member, channel, author } = oldMessage; const settings = await guild.settings(); const chatlogs = settings.messageLog; if (!chatlogs || ! return; const { ignoredRoles, ignoredChannels } = chatlogs; const logChannel = guild.resolveChannel(; if (!logChannel || !logChannel.permissionsFor('SEND_MESSAGES')) return; if (ignoredRoles && member._roles.length) for (const role of ignoredRoles) if (member._roles.includes(role)) return; if (ignoredChannels && ignoredChannels.includes( return; if(oldMessage.content === newMessage.content && oldMessage.pinned !== newMessage.pinned) { const embed = { title: oldMessage.format('MSGLOG_PINNED_TITLE', { author: author.tag, channel:, pinned: oldMessage.format('PIN_TOGGLE', { toggle: newMessage.pinned }, true) }), description: oldMessage.format('MSGLOG_EDIT_JUMP', { guild:, channel:, message: }), color: CONSTANTS.COLORS.LIGHT_BLUE } if(oldMessage.content.length) embed.description += '\n' + oldMessage.content.substring(0, 1900); if(oldMessage.attachments.size) { const img = oldMessage.attachments.first(); if(img.height && img.width) embed.image = { url: img.url } } await logChannel.send({ embed }); } else { const embed = { title: oldMessage.format('MSGLOG_EDIT_TITLE', { author: author.tag, channel: }), footer: { text: oldMessage.format('MSGLOG_EDIT_FOOTER', { msgID:, userID: }) }, description: oldMessage.format('MSGLOG_EDIT_JUMP', { guild:, channel:, message: }), color: CONSTANTS.COLORS.YELLOW, timestamp: oldMessage.createdAt, fields: [ { name: oldMessage.format('MSGLOG_EDIT_OLD'), value: oldMessage.content.substring(0, 1024) }, { name: oldMessage.format('MSGLOG_EDIT_NEW'), value: newMessage.content.substring(0, 1024) } ] }; if(oldMessage.content.length > 1024) embed.description += '\n' + oldMessage.format('MSGLOG_EDIT_OLD_CUTOFF'); if(newMessage.content.length > 1024) embed.description += '\n' + oldMessage.format('MSGLOG_EDIT_NEW_CUTOFF'); await logChannel.send({ embed }); } } async voiceState(oldState, newState) { } async ban(guild, user) { } async unban(guild, user) { } async memberJoin(member) { } async memberLeave(member) { } async memberUpdate(oldMember, newMember) { } } module.exports = GuildLogger;