/* eslint-disable indent */ const { Infraction } = require('../interfaces/'); class UnmuteInfraction extends Infraction { static type = 'UNMUTE'; constructor(client, opts = {}) { super(client, { targetType: 'USER', type: opts.type, message: opts.message, executor: opts.executor.user, target: opts.target.user, reason: opts.reason, guild: opts.guild, channel: opts.channel, arguments: opts.arguments, silent: opts.silent, duration: opts.duration, hyperlink: opts.hyperlink, points: opts.points, expiration: opts.expiration, data: opts.data }); this.client = client; this.member = opts.target; } async execute() { let removedRoles = [], muteType = null, role = null; let mute = null; if(Object.keys(this.data).length) { removedRoles = this.data.removedRoles; //eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring muteType = this.data.muteType; //eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring role = this.data.muteRole; //eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring } else { mute = await this.member._getExpiration('MUTE'); if(mute) { removedRoles = mute.infraction.data.removedRoles; //eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring muteType = mute.infraction.data.muteType; //eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring role = mute.infraction.data.muteRole; //eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring } else { role = this.guild._settings.mute.role; //eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring } } role = await this.client.resolver.resolveRole(role, true, this.guild); if(!mute) { if(role && this.member.roles.cache.has(role.id)) { try { this.member.roles.remove(role, this._reason); } catch(e) { return this._fail('C_UNMUTE_1FAIL'); } } else { return this._fail('C_UNMUTE_CANNOTFINDMUTE'); } } const roles = [...new Set([ ...this.member.roles.cache.map((r) => r.id), ...removedRoles])]; switch(muteType) { case 0: if(!role) this._fail('C_UNMUTE_ROLEDOESNTEXIST'); try { this.member.roles.remove(role, this._reason); } catch(e) { return this._fail('C_UNMUTE_1FAIL'); } break; case 1: if(role) { const index = roles.indexOf(role.id); roles.splice(index, 1); } try { this.member.roles.set(roles, this._reason); } catch(error) { this.client.logger.error(`Unmute infraction failed to calculate additional roles, might want to check this out.\n${error.stack || error}`); return this._fail('C_UNMUTE_2FAIL'); } break; case 2: try { this.member.roles.set(roles, this._reason); } catch(error) { this.client.logger.error(`Unmute infraction failed to calculate additional roles, might want to check this out.\n${error.stack || error}`); return this._fail('C_UNMUTE_3FAIL'); } break; } await this.handle(); return this._succeed(); } } module.exports = UnmuteInfraction;