//Ping Command [C_PING_DESCRIPTION] Shows the millisecond delay between the bot and the discord server. //Settings Command [C_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION] Configure your guild and user settings. [C_SETTINGS_ADMINISTRATORERROR] You must have the `ADMINISTRATOR` permission to reset the {type} settings. [C_SETTINGS_CLIENTPERMISSIONERROR] The setting **{setting}** requires __the bot__ to have permissions to use. *Missing: {missing}* [C_SETTINGS_MEMBERPERMISSIONERROR] The setting **{setting}** requires __you__ to have permissions to use. *Missing: {missing}* [C_SETTINGS_RESET] Are you sure you want to reset **all** of your {type} settings to the default values? This cannot be undone. *(__y__es, __n__o)* This prompt will time out in __30 seconds__. [C_SETTINGS_RESETERROR] You provided an invalid input, please try again. [C_SETTINGS_RESETSUCCESS] All {type} settings were successfully deleted and set to default. [C_SETTINGS_USERSETTINGSTITLE] User Settings [C_SETTINGS_GUILDSETTINGSTITLE] Guild Settings [C_SETTINGS_LISTSETTINGS] Use `{prefix}setting [setting-name]` to view a description on the setting. Each setting is unique, so make sure to read carefully. [C_SETTINGS_LISTSETTINGSALT] Alternatively, you can view user settings by using the command `{prefix}settings -u` [C_SETTINGS_NONEXISTANT] That setting does not exist! //User Command [C_USER_DESCRIPTION] Search for users or view user information. [C_USER] **Nickname:** {nickname} **User:** <@{id}> **Server join date:** {joined} **Account created:** {created} **Status:** {status} **Activity:** {activity} **Last server activity:** {serverActivity} **Last global activity:** {globalActivity} **Roles:** {roles} [C_USER_SEARCH_TITLE] Search result for keyword: `{key}` [C_USER_SEARCH_FOOTER] Found {matches} matches, displaying {count} [C_USER_HELP] To search server members with similar names use `{prefix}user search ` //Avatar Command [C_AVATAR_DESCRIPTION] Fetches avatars for various users in different formats and sizes. [C_AVATAR_FORMATERROR] Unable to find an avatar with those arguments, try a different size or format. //Lookup Command [C_LOOKUP_DESCRIPTION] Looks up a discord invite code and returns the information of the invite. [C_LOOKUP_FAILEDMATCH] Couldn't find a discord invite code, try again. [C_LOOKUP_NONEXISTANT] Unable to find any data about that invite code.