const chalk = require('chalk'); class Logger { constructor(client) { this.client = client; this.client.hooker.hook('ready', () => { this.transport(`Client connected to ${chalk.bold(this.client.user.tag)} with ${chalk.bold(`${this.client.guilds.size} guild${this.client.guilds.size === 1 ? '' : 's'}`)}.`, { embed: true, type: 'SUCCESS' }); }); this.client.hooker.hook('componentUpdate', ({ component, type }) => {`Component ${chalk.bold(component.resolveable)} was ${chalk.bold(Constants.ComponentTypes[type])}.`); }); this.client.hooker.hook('reconnect', () => { this.warn(`Shard is reconnecting.`, { embed: true }); }); } async transport(message = 'N/A', opts = {}) { process.send({ message, ...opts }); } /* Quick & Dirty Functions */ log(message, opts = {}) { this.transport(message, { ...opts, type: 'LOG' }); } info(message, opts = {}) { this.transport(message, { ...opts, type: 'INFO' }); } warn(message, opts = {}) { this.transport(message, { ...opts, type: 'WARN' }); } debug(message, opts = {}) { this.transport(message, { ...opts, type: 'DEBUG' }); } error(message, opts = {}) { this.transport(message, { ...opts, type: 'ERROR' }); } } module.exports = Logger; const Constants = { ComponentTypes: { LOAD: 'loaded', UNLOAD: 'unloaded', RELOAD: 'reloaded', ENABLE: 'enabled', DISABLE: 'disabled' } };