//Note Command [C_NOTE_DESCRIPTION] Note members with a description, will not be logged. The only way to view notes is through moderation history. [C_NOTE_MISSINGMEMBERS] You must provide members to assign notes to. //Warn Command [C_WARN_DESCRIPTION] Warn members for a particular reason. [C_WARN_MISSINGMEMBERS] You must provide members to warn. //Unmute Command [C_UNMUTE_DESCRIPTION] Unmute members from the server. [C_UNMUTE_MISSINGMEMBERS] You must provide members to unmute. [C_UNMUTE_CANNOTFINDMUTE] they were not previously muted [C_UNMUTE_ROLEDOESNOTEXIST] the mute role does not exist anymore [C_UNMUTE_1FAIL] I had an issue removing the role [C_UNMUTE_2FAIL] I had issues assigning roles to them [C_UNMUTE_3FAIL] I had issues granting roles to them //Mute Command [C_MUTE_DESCRIPTION] Assign members to be muted from the server for a specified amount of time. [C_MUTE_MISSINGMEMBERS] You must provide members to mute. [C_MUTE_DURATIONEXCEPTION] The duration must be more than `1 minute` and less than `1 month`. [C_MUTE_NOMUTEROLE] You don't have a mute role set in your server, use the command `-set mute` for more information. [C_MUTE_INVALIDMUTEROLE] It seems like the mute role was deleted, use the command `-set mute` for more information. [C_MUTE_1FAIL] I had an issue adding the role [C_MUTE_2FAIL] I had issues assigning roles to them [C_MUTE_3FAIL] I had issues revoking roles from them //Kick Command [C_KICK_DESCRIPTION] Kick provided members from the server. [C_KICK_MISSINGMEMBERS] You must provide members to kick. [C_KICK_INSUFFICIENTPERMISSIONS] they are unable to be kicked //Softban Command [C_SOFTBAN_DESCRIPTION] Bans and then unbans the member from the server. Primarily used to prune the member's messages in all channels. [C_SOFTBAN_MISSINGMEMBERS] You must provide members to softban. [C_SOFTBAN_INSUFFICIENTPERMISSIONS] they are unable to be softbanned //Ban Command [C_BAN_DESCRIPTION] Ban provided members or users from the server. Works with users not in the server. Optionally assign a time to ban them for. [C_BAN_MISSINGMEMBERS] You must provide members to ban. [C_BAN_DURATIONREQUIRED] You must provide a duration while using the **tempban** alias. [C_BAN_DURATIONEXCEPTION] The duration must be more than `1 minute` and less than `3 months`. [C_BAN_INSUFFICIENTPERMISSIONS] they are unable to be banned [C_BAN_ALREADYBANNED] they are already banned //Unban Command [C_UNBAN_DESCRIPTION] Unban provided users from the server. [C_UNBAN_MISSINGMEMBERS] You must provide users to unban. [C_UNBAN_NOTBANNED] they are not banned //Prune Command [C_PRUNE_DESCRIPTION] Mass delete messages from provided channels. The amount provided is the amount of messages it searches, not deletes. Filters messages using a logical OR by default. **You cannot prune messages older than 2 weeks.** [C_PRUNE_INTEGERINVALID] You must provide an amount to prune. [C_PRUNE_INTEGEREXCEPTION] The amount must be more than `1` and less than `300`. [C_PRUNE_NOTFETCHED] I was unable to fetch any messages [C_PRUNE_NOTDELETABLE] I could not delete those messages [C_PRUNE_NOFILTERRESULTS] I could not find any messages with those arguments [C_PRUNE_NODELETE] I had issues deleting those messages //Vckick Command [C_VCKICK_DESCRIPTION] Kick provided members from their connected voice-channel. [C_VCKICK_NOCHANNEL] they are not in a voice-channel //Slowmode Command [C_SLOWMODE_DESCRIPTION] Set the slowmode in provided channels. Primarily used for setting the slowmode in smaller increments, while Discord will not let you. [C_SLOWMODE_SECONDREQUIRED] You must provide a duration to set the slowmode to. [C_SLOWMODE_SECONDEXCEPTION] The duration must be `0 seconds` or more, and less than `6 hours`. [C_SLOWMODE_NOCHANGE] the slowmode was already set to that //Nickname Command [C_NICKNAME_DESCRIPTION] Change the nickname of provided members or dehoist them. You will have to put the nickname in quotes in order to allow for spaced nicknames. [C_NICKNAME_MISSINGMEMBERS] You must provide users to nickname. [C_NICKNAME_MISSINGNAME] You must provide arguments to change their nickname to. [C_NICKNAME_NOCHARACTERS] they had no hoisted characters in their nickname [C_NICKNAME_MISSINGPERMSSIONS] they have a higher role than I do