const { Command } = require('../../../../interfaces/'); class MusicTasteCommand extends Command { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'musictaste', aliases: ['music-taste'], module: 'miscellaneous', arguments: [ { name: 'song', type: 'BOOLEAN', types: ['FLAG', 'VERBAL'], default: true }, { name: 'album', type: 'BOOLEAN', types: ['FLAG', 'VERBAL'], default: true } ], disabled: true }); this.client = client; this._cache = null; this._cached = null; } async execute(message, { params, args }) { //eslint-disable-line if(!this._cache || this._cached+60000 > await this.cache(); const data = []; for(const user of this._cache) { const { activities } = user.presences; for(const activity of activities) { if( === 'SPOTIFY' && activity.type === 'LISTENING') data.push({ song: activity.details, artist: activity.state, album: activity.assets.largeText, user }); } } // const filters = this.embed(); } async cache() { const result = await this.client.shard.broadcastEval(`this.users.cache.filter((user) => { for(const activity of user?.presence.activities) { if( === 'Spotify' && activity.type === 'LISTENING') return true; } })`).catch((error) => this.client.logger.error(`Error fetching users via musictaste: ${error}`)); this._cache = result.reduce((p, v) => p.concat(v)); this._cached =; } } module.exports = MusicTasteCommand;