/* Adopted from Discord.js */ const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const Shard = require('./Shard.js'); const { Util, Collection } = require('../util/'); class ShardManager extends EventEmitter { constructor(file, options = {}) { super(); options = Util.mergeDefault({ totalShards: 'auto', mode: 'process', respawn: true, shardArgs: [], execArgv: [], token: options.bot.token }, options.shard); this.file = file; if(!file) throw new Error("[shardmanager] File must be specified."); if(!path.isAbsolute(file)) this.file = path.resolve(process.cwd(), file); const stats = fs.statSync(this.file); if(!stats.isFile()) throw new Error("[shardmanager] File path does not point to a valid file."); this.shardList = options.shardList || 'auto'; if(this.shardList !== 'auto') { if(!Array.isArray(this.shardList)) { throw new TypeError("[shardmanager] ShardList must be an array."); } this.shardList = [...new Set(this.shardList)]; if(this.shardList.length < 1) throw new RangeError("[shardmanager] ShardList must have one ID."); if(this.shardList.some(shardID => typeof shardID !== 'number' || isNaN(shardID) || !Number.isInteger(shardID) || shardID < 0) ) { throw new TypeError("[shardmanager] ShardList must be an array of positive integers."); } } this.totalShards = options.totalShards || 'auto'; if(this.totalShards !== 'auto') { if(typeof this.totalShards !== 'number' || isNaN(this.totalShards)) { throw new TypeError("[shardmanager] TotalShards must be an integer."); } if(this.totalShards < 1) throw new RangeError("[shardmanager] TotalShards must be at least one."); if(!Number.isInteger(this.totalShards)) { throw new RangeError("[shardmanager] TotalShards must be an integer."); } } this.mode = options.mode; if(this.mode !== 'process' && this.mode !== 'worker') { throw new RangeError("[shardmanager] Mode must be either 'worker' or 'process'."); } this.respawn = options.respawn; this.shardArgs = options.shardArgs; this.execArgv = options.execArgv; this.token = options.token; this.shards = new Collection(); process.env.SHARDING_MANAGER = true; process.env.SHARDING_MANAGER_MODE = this.mode; process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN = this.token; } createShard(id = this.shards.size) { const shard = new Shard(this, id); this.shards.set(id, shard); this.emit('shardCreate', shard); return shard; } async spawn(amount = this.totalShards, delay = 5500, waitForReady = true) { if(amount === 'auto') { amount = await Util.fetchRecommendedShards(this.token); } else { if(typeof amount !== 'number' || isNaN(amount)) { throw new TypeError("[shardmanager] Amount of shards must be a number."); } if(amount < 1) throw new RangeError("[shardmanager] Amount of shards must be at least one."); if(!Number.isInteger(amount)) { throw new TypeError("[shardmanager] Amount of shards must be an integer."); } } if(this.shards.size >= amount) throw new Error("[shardmanager] Already spawned all necessary shards."); if(this.shardList === 'auto' || this.totalShards === 'auto' || this.totalShards !== amount) { this.shardList = [...Array(amount).keys()]; } if(this.totalShards === 'auto' || this.totalShards !== amount) { this.totalShards = amount; } if(this.shardList.some(id => id >= amount)) { throw new RangeError("[shardmanager] Amount of shards cannot be larger than the highest shard ID."); } for(const shardID of this.shardList) { const promises = []; const shard = this.createShard(shardID); promises.push(shard.spawn(waitForReady)); if(delay > 0 && this.shards.size !== this.shardList.length - 1) promises.push(Util.delayFor(delay)); await Promise.all(promises); } return this.shards; } broadcast(message) { const promises = []; for(const shard of this.shards.values()) promises.push(shard.send(message)); return Promise.all(promises); } broadcastEval(script) { const promises = []; for(const shard of this.shards.values()) promises.push(shard.eval(script)); return Promise.all(promises); } fetchClientValues(prop) { if(this.shards.size === 0) return Promise.reject(new Error("[shardmanager] No shards available.")); if(this.shards.size !== this.totalShards) return Promise.reject(new Error("[shardmanager] Sharding in progress.")); const promises = []; for(const shard of this.shards.values()) promises.push(shard.fetchClientValue(prop)); return Promise.all(promises); } async respawnAll(shardDelay = 5000, respawnDelay = 500, waitForReady = true) { let s = 0; for(const shard of this.shards.values()) { const promises = [shard.respawn(respawnDelay, waitForReady)]; if(++s < this.shards.size && shardDelay > 0) promises.push(Util.delayFor(shardDelay)); await Promise.all(promises); } return this.shards; } } module.exports = ShardManager;