You must have `Administrator` or `Manage Server` permissions to change/view server settings.
Are you sure you want to reset **all** of your {type} settings to the default values? This cannot be undone. *(__y__es, __n__o)*
This prompt will time out in __30 seconds__.
You provided an invalid input, please try again.
Successfully aborted the operation.
All {type} settings were successfully deleted and set to default.
Attached the JSON-formatted {type} settings file in the file below.
You may want to format this file for your viewing pleasure.
That setting does not exist!
switch("{type}") {
case "GUILD":
case "USER":
//Grant Command
Grant roles or users permissions to use commands or modules.
To view all grantable permissions, use the command `{prefix}perms list`.
Unable to find any roles or members, view `{prefix}cmd grant` for more information.
Unable to find any grantable permissions, view `{prefix}cmd grant` for more information.
There was an issue pushing the permissions to the database. Contact a bot developer.
Successfully granted targets {targets} the following permissions: {permissions}{channel}.
in channel{plural} {channels}
You granted a command from the **Administration** module. This is potentially dangerous, as whoever you granted the administration commands to could have access to vital parts of the server. Only grant administration commands to people you trust.
//Revoke Command
Revoke permissions granted to roles or users.
NOTE: If a user left the server, you must use the ID to revoke the permissions.
Unable to find any roles or users, view `{prefix}cmd revoke` for more information.
There was an issue pushing the permissions to the database. Contact a bot developer.
Successfully revoked targets {targets} the following permissions: {permissions}{channel}.
in channel{plural} {channels}
//Permissions Command
View permissions granted to roles or users.
You can **grant**/**revoke** the following permissions: {permissions}.
switch({user}) {
case true:
"User Permissions"
case false:
"Role Permissions"
An overview of all {resolve}'s permissions in the server. If you would like to see an in-depth view of the role or user's permissions, use `{prefix}perms [user|role]`.
:warning: **You have met the max amount of fields and you will need to use `{prefix}perms --json` to view them.** :warning:
Unable to find any roles or users with those arguments.
Attached the JSON-formatted permission file in the file below.
You may want to format this file for your viewing pleasure.
**Global Permissions:** {permissions}
Global permissions can be used in all channels, but you can add specific channels if needed.
Channel-specific permissions are listed below.
**No permissions found!** Try granting some permissions by using:
Found {type} **{resolveable}** but {they}had no permissions.
Your server has no granted permissions to any roles or users.
If you would like to grant permissions, use the command `{prefix}grant` for more information.
//Disable Command
Disable commands in your server to prevent usage.
The command{plural} currently disabled in your server are: {commands}
There are no disabled commands in your server.
You must provide commands to disable.
Successfully **disabled** command{plural} {commands} in your server.
Failed to disable command{plural} {commands}. You are unable to disable the **command:enable** and **command:disable** commands.
You disabled a command inside of the **Administration** module. It is dangerous to do so, as it may disable configurability of your server. Note you are unable to disable the `command:enable` and `command:disable` commands.
Mass delete messages from provided channels. The amount provided is the amount of messages it searches, not deletes. Filters messages using a logical OR by default. **You cannot prune messages older than 2 weeks.**
You are only able to prune up to `3` channels at a time.
You must provide an amount to prune.
The amount must be more than `1` and less than `300`.
I don't have permission to manage messages
I was unable to fetch any messages
I could not delete those messages
I could not find any messages with those arguments
I had issues deleting those messages
//Vckick Command
Kick provided members from their connected voice-channel.
Shows helpful information for commands, settings, and moderation.
**__HELP MENU__**
For a list of all available commands, use `{prefix}commands [ group ]`.
**❯ Arguments**
The bot splits arguments by space unless specified otherwise. To pass an argument that contains spaces you have to encapsulate it in quotes, some exceptions exist.
`{prefix}grant "rolename that contains spaces" < permission >` - quotes are necessary
`{prefix}user some user` - quotes not necessary
**Typically** if the argument is at the end of a command it won't require quotes.
**❯ Documentation notation**
**Optional** arguments are denoted by being encapsulated in brackets `[ ]` - means that the command will run either with default values or show usage prompt.
**Required** arguments are denoted by less and greater than `< >` - means that the command will not run and return an error.
**Infinite** arguments (ones you can list several) are denoted by `..` after the argument. Ex `< argument.. >` - means you can pass more than one argument.
**Alternatives** are denoted by being separated by a `|`.
**Actual values** that you can use in a command are denoted by being surrounded by single quotes `' '`.
**❯ Moderation**
For help with moderation, see `{prefix}help modhelp`.
__**Warning:** This is a long embed.__
**❯ Command aliases**
Most commands and settings have some kind of aliases associated with them, some of which change the behaviour of the command or setting.
For instance the mute setting has a `createmute` (`{prefix}settings createmute <rolename>`) alias, which changes the behaviour to be identical to `{prefix}settings mute create <rolename>`.
Shows information about the bot and component usage.
To show help for commands `{prefix}help [command]`
Dude stop, {component} doesn't exist!
Commands and settings matching tag `{keyword}`.
For further help on how to use them, see `{prefix}help <component>`.
**Moderation help menu**
**Galactic Bot** offers extensive moderation tools for servers, small and large, ranging from simple warnings and notes to mutes and tempbans. One of our more recent additions is automod. While not necessarily being a true automod, it'll keep track of moderation escalation for you with some configuration. Automod utilizes configurable modpoints and thresholds, for more information about automod see `{prefix}settings modpoints` and `{prefix}settings automod`.
**Galactic's** moderation commands can be viewed by using `{prefix}commands moderation`. The moderation utility follows a specific syntax for moderation, some parts allow for variation, while others require the arguments to be in specific locations in the command.
**The general syntax is:** `{prefix}<command> @user [time] [reason]`
Arguments that don't follow a strict pattern can be put anywhere **in the reason**. Such arguments are flags (and points, though they don't follow the same syntax as flags, more on that in a bit). For now there aren't many flags used by the moderation utility, though more may come in the future. The flags currently in use are `--force` and `--expires:<time>`, which are used to guide the automod.
**❯ Moderation flags**
`--force` is the flag used to bypass automod, i.e. if you think automod will change your infraction due to a threshold being exceeded pass the `--force` flag to override.
**Ex:** `{prefix}warn @user 2pts obnoxious --force` - this would force the infraction to be a warning even if the points issued would cause the total amount of points to exceed a threshold.
`--expire <time>` is the flag used to tell the automod that a custom infraction expiration time should be used instead of the defined modpoints expiration value.
**Ex:** `{prefix}warn @user 2pts obnoxious --expires 2d` - This tells the system that the infraction will expire in 2 days, instead of whatever was configured in the setting.
`--silent` is the flag used to tell the bot not to DM the infraction the user if the bot otherwise was configured to do so.
**Ex:** `{prefix}ban @user really obnoxious --silent` - with default configuration the bot would DM the user when removed from the server, passing the `--silent` flag will stop the bot from doing so.
**❯ Points**
Points are the point values defined either when running the command or in the modpoints setting. Issuing points is fairly simple, as they get picked up from anywhere in the **reason**, so long they follow the correct format. Points follow this pattern: `integer value points|point|pts|pt|p`. Any point values that exceed 100 will default to 100, and any point values that go below 0 will default to 0.
**Ex:** `{prefix}warn @user obnoxious 2 points`
**❯ Infraction history**
Infraction history will always be logged to the bot's database regardless of text channel output. As such GalacticBot provides tools to search logs and filter them to some extent with flags, such as `--filter:warn` or `--exclude:mute`.
When viewing a user's infraction history, the total amount on **unresolved infractions** is shown, and if modpoints are enabled, their unexpired points as well. This does **not** mean that they are not displayed in their history!
**❯ NOTE**
All flags and points will be parsed **out of the reason**, meaning that when issuing them they will not show up in the reason for the infraction. Points will be displayed in the infraction if the modpoints system is enabled and flags don't need to be displayed anywhere.
//Guild command
View data about the server.
__Server information for **{name}**__
{emoji_owner} **Owner:** <@{owner}>
{emoji_booster4} **Boost tier:** {tier}
{emoji_booster3} **Boosters:** {boosters}
{emoji_calendar} **Date created:** {createdAt}
{emoji_region} **Voice region:** {region}
{emoji_members} **Count:**
{emoji_online} **Online:**
**Total:** {totalChannels}/500
{emoji_category-channel} **Categories:** {cat}
{emoji_text-channel} **Text:** {tc}
{emoji_voice-channel} **Voice:** {vc}
{emoji_news-channel} **News:** {news}
{emoji_store-channel} **Store:** {store}
{emoji_role} **Roles:**
{emoji_sunglasses} **Emojis:**
{emoji_flushed-awkward} **Gif emojis:**
__Server features__
No description set for guild, set one with `{prefix}set description <description here>`, alternatively the description of a community enabled server is shown here.
Galactic (stable) and Galactic Canary (testing) bots only collect Discord user ID and message attachments (if applicable) data for moderation purposes.
We need your Discord user ID for remembering who you are, and your message attachments for logging tools for Discord server moderators.
We use message attachments in order to view what users post after they're deleted by Discord, this ensures a safe place for users and a useful tool for moderators.
This data is not shared with anyone. If you have questions or concerns about the bot, contact the developers in the Discord server [here]({invite}).